Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Particle size determination)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A microcomputer-modified particle size spectrometer: description and program listings / 1978
Aerosol measurement 1979
Aerosol measurements in the submicron size range : studies with an aerosol centrifuge, a new diffusion battery, a low pressure impactor and an advanced condensation nuclei counter / 1979
Aerosol technology in hazard evaluation, 1973
AIChE equipment testing procedure, particle size classifiers : a guide to performance evaluation 1980
An evaluation of mass-weighted size distribution measurements with the Model 3320 Aerodynamic Particle Sizer / 2002
Apparatus and procedure for determining oil droplet size distribution 1981
Apparatus and procedure for determining oil droplet size distribution / 1982
Assessment of airborne particles; fundamentals, applications, and implications to inhalation toxicity. 1972
Assessment of diesel particulate control : particle size measurements / 1979
Beta gauge instrumentation for the measurement of aerosol mass / 1980
Beta gauge operation manual / 1979
Characteristics of particulate patterns, 1957-1966, 1970
Characterization of gaseous and particulate emissions from light duty diesels operated on various fuels / 1979
Characterization of particles : proceedings of the particle analysis session of the 13th annual conference of the Microbeam Analysis Society held at Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 22, 1978 / 1980
Chemical analysis of particle size fractions from glass melting furnaces / 1981
Chemical analysis of particle size fractions from glass melting furnaces / 1981
Control measures to assure attainment of the TSP and Proposed PM10 NAAQS in the Catano Air Basin. / 1985
Data reduction techniques for aerosol size distribution measuring instruments / 1981
Determination of the Manning coefficient from measured bed roughness in natural channels, 1970
Development of a low pressure impactor / 1973
Development study of a novel continuous-flow impactor / 1980
Direct characterization of fineparticles 1981
Discharge of sands and mean-velocity relationships in sand-bed streams / 1964
Drift data acquired on mechanical salt water cooling devices / 1975
Effluent dilutions over mountainous terrain / 1974
Evaluation of four novel fine particulate collection devices / 1978
Evaluation of particulate mass monitors using the beta gauge technique / 1979
Evaluation of stationary source particulate measurement methods. Volume II, Oil-fired steam generators / 1977
Examination of automatic data reduction methods for particle field holograms / 1979
Fabrication of monitoring system for determining mass and composition of aerosol as a function of time / 1975
Field Measurements of Particle Size Distribution with Inertial Sizing Devices. 1973
Fine particle emissions information system : summary report, summer 1976 / 1976
Fine particle measurement: size, surface, and pore volume 1959
Fine-particle measurement handbook final report, January 1984 / 1984
Handbook of particle sampling and analysis methods 1984
Handbook on aerosols : prepared for Division of Biomedical and Environmental Research and Division of Reactor Research and Development, U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration / 1976
In situ field portable fine particle measuring device 1984
In situ field portable fine particle measuring device / 1984
In situ field portable fine particle measuring device {microform} / 1984
In-situ aerodynamic sizing of aerosol particles with the SPART analyzer / 1982
Inhalable particulate network annual report : operation and data summary (mass concentrations only) April 1979 - June 1980 / 1981
Inhalable particulate network operations and quality assurance manual. 1980
Inhalable particulate network report : data listing (mass concentrations only) / 1984
Inhalable particulate network report : data summary (mass concentrations only) : vol. III, January 1983-December 1984 / 1986
Inhalable particulate network report : data summary (mass concentrations only), vol. III, January 1983 - December 1984 / 1986
Inhalable particulate network report : operation and data summary (mass concentrations only) / 1984
Inhalable particulate network report : operation and data summary (mass concentrations only) / 1985
Interferometric instrumentation for particle size analysis / 1974
Investigation of flow rate calibration procedures associated with the high volume method for determination of suspended particulates / 1978
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