Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Parasitic diseases)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Addendum to draft drinking water criteria document for cryptosporidium. 1998
Alternative Filtration Methods for Removal of 'Giardia' Cysts and Cyst Models. 1981
Animal models in parasitology : a symposium held at the Royal Zoological Society, Regents Park, London, in March 1981 1982
Biliary Lipids Support Serum-Free Growth of 'Giardia lamblia'. 1986
Biology data book / 1964
Calyptospora funduli (Apicomplexa, Calyptosporidae) in the Liver of the Gulf Toadfish, 'Opsanus beta'. 1993
Causes of Waterborne Outbreaks in the United States. 1991
Cross Transmission of 'Giardia'. 1982
Cryptosporidium and Giardia occurrence assessment for the interim enhanced surface water treatment rule / 1998
Cytochemical Methods for Assessing 'Giardia' Cyst Viability. 1987
Disinfection and the Control of Waterborne Giardiasis. 1984
Dose Response of 'Cryptosporidium parvum' in Outbred Neonatal CD-1 Mice. 1993
Effects of Ozone, Chlorine Dioxide, Chlorine, and Monochloramine on 'Cryptosporidium parvum' Oocyst Viability. 1990
Enteric Parasites in Workers Occupationally Exposed to Sewage. 1984
Evolutionary parasitology : the integrated study of infections, immunology, ecology, and genetics / 2011
Experimental Infection of Mongrel Dogs with 'Giardia lamblia' Cysts and Cultured Trophozoites. 1981
Flynn's parasites of laboratory animals. 2007
Food and animal borne diseases sourcebook : basic information about diseases that can be spread to humans through the ingestion of contaminated food or water or by contact with infected animals and insects ... / 1995
Forgotten people, forgotten diseases : the neglected tropical diseases and their impact on global health and development / 2008
Giardiasis in Washington State 1982
Goussia girellae N. Sp. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriorina) in the Opaleye, 'Girella nigricans' (Journal Version). 1988
Human intestinal parasitic infections and environmental health factors in rural Egyptian communities : a report of the U.S.-Egyptian River Nile and Lake Nasser Research Project / 1980
I. Agamofilaria georgiana n. sp., an apparently new roundworm parasite from the ankle of a negress. II. The zoological characters of the roundworm genus Filaria Mueller, 1787. III. Three new American cases of infection of man with horse-hair worms (species Paragordius varius) with summary of all cases reported to date / 1907
Immune reactions to parasites : International Symposium of the Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz, October 7th-9th, 1981 1982
Immunotoxicology of Captive and Wild Birds. 1990
Interlaboratory Validation Study Results for 'Cryptosporidium' Precision and Recovery for U.S. EPA Method 1622. 2001
Intestinal parasites of man in the Canadian environment / 1980
Laboratory Procedures for the Diagnosis of Intestinal Parasites. 1969
Livestock entomology / 1985
Lymphatic filariasis, the disease and its control 1992
Medical Geography (Medisinskaya Geografiya). 1978
Method 1622 : cryptosporidium in water by filtration/IMS/FA. 1997
Method 1622 : cryptosporidium in water by filtration/IMS/FA. 1998
Method 1622 : cryptosporidium in water by filtration/IMS/FA. 2001
Method 1622: 'Cryptosporidium' in Water by Filtration/IMS/FA. (December 2005). 2005
Method 1623 : cryptosporidium and giardia in water by filtration/IMS/FA. 2001
Method 1623.1: 'Cryptosporidium' and 'Giardia' in Water by Filtration/IMS/FA. 2012
Method 1623: 'Cryptosporidium' and 'Giardia' in Water by Filtration/IMS/FA. (December 2005). 2005
Molecular and immunological aspects of parasitism 1991
New Eye Disease in Pen-Reared Chinook Salmon Caused by Metacestodes of 'Gilquinia squali' (Trypanorhyncha). 1991
Parasites of laboratory animals / 1973
Parasitic diseases in water resources development : the need for intersectoral negotiation / 1993
Pathobiology of Selected Marine Mammal Diseases. (Chapter 8). 1993
Pathology and clinical features of parasitic diseases 1982
Pathology of marine and estuarine organisms {MICROFICHE} / by J.A. Couch and J.W. Fournie. 1992
Potable Water: New Directions in Microbial Regulations. 1986
Poultry Disease in Public Health. Review for Epidemiologists. 1960
Practical guide to diagnostic parasitology / 2009
Protozoological abstracts. 1977
Receptivity to malaria and other parasitic diseases report on a WHO working group, Izmir, 11-15 September 1978. 1979
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