Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Acid rain program : CEMS submission instructions for monitoring plans, certification test notifications, and quarterly reports. 1996
Acrylic acid, 2-ethylhexyl ester : working draft / 1979
Acrylic acid, ethyl ester : working draft / 1979
Acrylic acid, methyl ester : working draft / 1979
Activated Carbon Treatment of Kraft Bleaching Effluents. 1977
Activated carbon treatment of unbleached kraft effluent for reuse / 1975
Additional Information for Completing Storm Water Group Applications. 1991
Advanced filtration of pulp mill wastes / 1979
Aerial photographic analysis of two industrial facilities in Southern Washington Hanford and Longview, Washington / 1986
Aerial Photographic Tracing of Pulp Mill Effluent in Marine Waters. 1970
Aerosol Filtration Efficiency of In-Duct Air Cleaners. 1998
AICE Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume VII. Measurements of Dispersal and Concentration, Identification, and Sanitary Evaluation of Various Air Pollutants, with Special Reference to the Environs of Electric Power Plants and Ferrous Metallurgical Plants. 1971
Air emissions species manual / 1988
Air pollution and the kraft pulping industry : an annotated bibliography / 1963
Air Pollution and the Kraft Pulping Industry. An Annotated Bibliography. 1963
Air pollution aspects of emission sources: pulp and paper industry : a bibliography with abstracts. 1973
Air pollution aspects of hydrogen sulfide / 1969
Air Pollution Aspects of Odorous Compounds. 1969
Air pollution control active research grants for fiscal year ... 0
Air pollution control technology and costs : seven selected emission sources : kraft mill recovery boilers, ferroalloy furnaces, feed and grain processing, glass melting furnaces, crushed stone and aggregate industry, asphalt saturators, industrial surface coatings / 1974
Air Pollution Control Technology and Costs in Nine Selected Areas. 1972
Air Pollution: Control Techniques for Sulfur Oxide Air Pollutants. 1973
Air Quality Implementation Plan for the State of Alaska. Volume III. Permit System Appendicies. 1971
Air quality modeling analysis of industrial point sources in Everett, Washington / 1988
Alternative fiber papers. 1998
Alternatives for management of pulp and paper industry solid wastes : production of ethanol / 1994
Alternatives for management of pulp and paper industry solid wastes : production of lightweight aggregate. 1994
Ambient exposures to recombinant microorganisms intentionally released to municipal and pulp and paper industry wastewaters : draft final report / 1987
Amendments to the effluent limitations guidelines, pretreatment standards, and new source performance standards for the bleached papergrade kraft and soda subcategory of the pulp, paper, and paperboard point source category : Part 430; proposed rule. 1997
An accounting system for solid waste management in small communities. 1971
An accounting system for transfer station operations. 1971
An electrostatic precipitator systems study : final report to the National Air Pollution Control Administration, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1970
An evaluation of emission factors for waste-to-energy systems / 1980
Anaerobic technology : a review of research, development, and demonstration activity in the agrifood and pulp and paper industries / 1988
Analysis of demand and supply for secondary fiber in the U.S. paper and paperboard industry. / 1975
Analysis of Demand and Supply for Secondary Fiber in the U.S. Paper and Paperboard Industry. Volume 2. Section IX - Process Economics. 1975
Analysis of Demand and Supply for Secondary Fiber in the U.S. Paper and Paperboard Industry. Volume One. Sections I-VIII and X. 1976
Analysis of Demand and Supply for Secondary Fiber in the U.S. Paper and Paperboard Industry. Volume Three. Appendices. 1976
Analysis of Final State Implementation Plans: Rules and Regulations. 1972
Analysis of organic compounds in two kraft mill wastewaters / 1975
Analysis of organic compounds in two kraft mill wastewaters / 1975
Analysis of Organic Pesticides by Gas Chromatography. 1963
Analysis of source separate collection of recyclable solid waste-collection center studies / 1974
Analysis of source separate collection of recyclable solid waste-separate collection studies / 1974
Analysis of the potential effects of toxics on municipal solid waste management options / 1995
Analysis of the potential populations at risk from the consumption of freshwater fish caught near paper mills : draft / 1990
Analysis of the relative performance of POTW and paper industry wastewater treatment systems on conventional and non-conventional pollutants. 1996
Analytical methods for the determination of pollutants in pulp and paper industry wastewater. 1993
Analytical system for measuring malodorous compounds from kraft mills / 1978
Appendix to investigation of toxicity control at American Can Limited, Kraft Mill, Marathon, Ontario / 1980
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