Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants for source category : pulp and paper production effluent limitations guidelines, pretreatment standards, and new source performance standards : pulp, paper, and paperboard category. 1997
National Survey of the Odor Problem. Phase I of a Study of the Social and Economic Impact of Odors. Appendix. 1970
Nature and environmental behavior of manufacturing-derived solid wastes of pulp and paper origin. 1979
NCASI guidance on sampling, contracting, and auditing analytical data for the effluent limitations guidelines monitoring parameters 1998
NCASI technical review : bulletin. 0
New approaches to in-plant load control and monitoring. 1971
Office paper recovery : an implementation manual. 1977
On the Biological Aspects of Paper Mill Pollution in Certain Parts of the Columbia River Watershed, with Especial Reference to 'Sphaerotilus natans'. 1941
On the Significance of the Hoerner Waldorf Well Field Water-table Fluctuations. 1972
On-site production of activated carbon from kraft black liquor / 1978
Operation and maintenance of particulate control devices in kraft pulp mill and crushed stone industries / 1978
Origin and Chemical Composition of Androscoggin River Foam. 1981
Paper : sub-council report / 1971
Paper and allied products industry in Massachusetts, 1979 1979
Paper cuts : recovering the paper landscape / 1999
Paper industry. 1990
Paper Mill Pollution in Puget Sound. 1963
Paper production and processing : occupational exposure and environmental release study / 1984
Paper production and processing : occupational exposure and environmental release study / 1984
Paper Task Force recommendations for purchasing and using environmentally preferable paper : final report / 1995
Paper360 Degrees . 2006
Papermill wastewater treatment by microstraining / 1976
Particulate collection efficiency measurements on an electrostatic precipitator installed on a paper mill recovery boiler / 1976
Particulate control mobile test units : second year's operation / 1977
PCBs in the United States industrial use and environmental distribution. 1976
PCBs involvement in the pulp and paper industry / 1977
Permit guidance document : pulp, paper, and paperboard manufacturing point source category (40 CFR 430). 2000
Perspective on Human Exposure to PCDDs (Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins) and PCDFs (dibenzofurans) Emitted From Municipal Waste Combustors. 1989
Pilot investigation of secondary sludge dewatering alternatives / 1978
Polluted groundwater: estimating the effects of man's activities. / 1974
Pollution abatement and control technology : (PACT) publication for the pulp and paper industry. 1985
Pollution control and chemical recovery in the pulp and paper industry 1973
Pollution Effects of Pulp and Paper Mill Wastes in Puget Sound. A Report on Studies Conducted by the Washington State Enforcement Project. 1967
Pollution prevention assessment and implementation at a pulp and paper mill in the Pacific Northwest : summary report. 1995
Pollution prevention for the Kraft pulp and paper industry : bibliography / 1992
Pollution prevention opportunity assessment and implementation plan for Simpson Tacoma Kraft Company, Tacoma, Washington / 1992
Pollution prevention presentations from the 1997 NCASI Regional meetings. 1998
Pollution prevention technologies for the bleached Kraft segment of the U.S. pulp and paper industry. 1993
Pollutional Effects of Pulp and Paper Mill Wastes in Puget Sound. 1967
Pollutional effects of pulp and paper mill wastes in Puget Sound; a report on studies. 1967
Post biological solids characterization and removal from pulp mill effluents / 1979
Preliminary data base for review of BATEA effluent limitations guidelines, NSPS, and pretreatment standards for the pulp, paper, and paperboard point source category / 1979
Preliminary data base for review of BATEA effluent limitations guidelines, NSPS, and pretreatment standards for the pulp, paper, and paperboard point source category draft / 1979
Preliminary data summary for the pulp, paper and paperboard point source category. 1989
Preliminary investigation of kraft mill wastes, Crossett paper mills, Crossett, Arkansas as related to Ouachita River pollution in the vicinity of Arkansas-Louisiana state line 1949
Preliminary Report: Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Detailed Study. 2005
Preliminary risk assessment, phase I : benzidine, its congeners, and their derivative dyes and pigments / 1980
Pretreatments and substrate evaluation for the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulosic wastes / 1977
Proceedings : International Symposium on Pollution Prevention in the Manufacture of Pulp and Paper : opportunities & barriers : August 18-20, 1992, Washington, D.C. / 1993
Proceedings of the ... NCASI Central-Lake States Regional Meeting. 0
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