Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 33
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Palaemonetes pugio)

Select Item Title Year Published
Accumulation of PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls), Mercury and Cadmium by 'Nereis virens', 'Mercenaria mercenaria', and Palaemonetes pugio' from Contaminated Harbor Sediments. 1983
Acephate, aldicarb, carbophenothion, DEF, EPN, ethoprop, methyl parathion, and phorate: their acute and chronic toxicity, bioconcentration potential, and persistence as related to marine environments / 1981
Acute Toxicity and Bioconcentration of Endosulfan-Exposed Estuarine Animals. 1977
Acute Toxicity of Kepone (Trademark) to Four Estuarine Animals. 1977
Bioaccumulation of Kepone by Grass Shrimp ('Palaemonetes pugio'): Importance of Dietary Accumulation and Food Ration. 1990
Cadmium Toxicity to Three Species of Estuarine Invertebrates. 1981
Comparative toxicity of drilling muds : role of chromium and petroleum hydrocarbons / 1980
Comparison and Evaluation of Field and Laboratory Toxicity Tests with Fenvalerate on an Estuarine Crustacean. 1989
Distribution of Mirex in an Experimental Estuarine Ecosystem. 1979
Ecophysiological studies on the ontogeny of euryplasticity in the caridean shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio (Hothuis) and modifications by zinc / 1979
Effect of Prehatch and Posthatch Exposure to Cadmium on Salinity Tolerance of Larval Grass Shrimp, 'Palaemonetes pugio'. 1978
Effects of Fenvalerate on Larval Development of 'Palaemonetes pugio' (Holthuis) and on Larval Metabolism during Osmotic Stress. 1984
Effects of Sodium Pentachlorophenate on Several Estuarine Animals: Toxicity, Uptake, and Depuration. 1978
Effects of Sublethal Concentrations of Cadmium on Adult 'Palaemonetes pugio' under Static and Flow-Through Conditions. 1982
Effects of thermal pollution on pelagic larvae of crustacea / 1980
Impairment of Antipredator Behavior in 'Palaemonetes pugio' by Exposure to Sublethal Doses of Parathion. 1977
Influence of an Insect Growth Regulator on the Larval Development of an Estuarine Shrimp. 1990
Kepone (Trademark) Bioconcentration, Accumulation, Loss, and Transfer through Estuarine Food Chains. 1977
Molt-related Susceptibility and Regenerative Limb Growth as Sensitive Indicators of Aquatic Pollutant Toxicity to Crustaceans. 1986
Ontogeny of Resistance Adaptation and Metabolic Compensation to Salinity and Temperature by the Caridean Shrimp, 'Palaemonetes pugio', and Modification by Sublethal Zinc Exposure. 1982
Organotin Toxicity Studies Conducted with Selected Marine Organisms at EPA's Environmental Research Laboratory, Gulf Breeze, Florida. 1986
Physiological and Histopathological Evaluation of Dithiocarbamate Toxicity to the Grass Shrimp, 'Palaemonetes Pugio'. 1983
Respiratory and Behavioral Responses of the Grass Shrimp 'Palaemonetes pugio' to Cadmium and Reduced Dissolved Oxygen. 1985
Rosette Glands in the Gills of the Grass Shrimp, 'Palaemonetes pugio' I. Comparative Morphology, Cyclical Activity, and Innervation. 1982
Sublethal effects of diflubenzuron (Dimilin) on the reproduction and photobehavior of the grass shrimp (Palaemonetes pugio) Holthuis (Caridea, Palaemonidae) / 1985
The use of grass shrimp (palaemonetes pugio) larvae in field bioassys of the effects of agricultural runoff into estuarys. / 1991
Toxicity and Bioconcentration of BHC and Lindane in Selected Estuarine Animals. 1977
Toxicity of Pentachlorophenol and Related Compounds to Early Life Stages of Selected Estuarine Animals. 1978
Toxicity of Pyrethroids to Marine Invertebrates and Fish: A Literature Review and Test Results with Sediment-Sorbed Chemicals. 1989
Toxicity of Textile Mill Effluents to Freshwater and Estuarine Algae, Crustaceans and Fishes. 1980
Uptake and Toxicity of Toxaphene in Several Estuarine Organisms. 1976
Use of the Grass Shrimp 'Palaemonetes pugio' in a Life-Cycle Toxicity Test. 1979
Variations in Larval Growth and Metabolism of an Estuarine Shrimp 'Palaemonetes pugio' during Toxicosis by an Insect Growth Regulator. 1993

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