Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 40
Showing: Items 1 - 40
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Paint industry)

Select Item Title Year Published
Air pollution control engineering and cost study of the paint and varnish industry / 1974
Assessment of industrial hazardous waste practices, paint and allied products industry, contract solvent reclaiming operations, and factory application of coatings. 1975
Assessment of Industrial Hazards Waste Practices, Paint and Allied Products Industry, Contract Solvent Reclaiming Operations, and Factory Application of Coatings. 1975
Chemical technology and economics in environmental perspective : materials balance for dyes and pigments from benzidine and three benzidine derivatives : final report / 1981
Control of atmospheric emissions from paint and varnish manufacturing operations : a review prepared at the request of the National Paint, Varnish & Lacquer Association / 1958
Control of VOC emissions from ink and paint manufacturing processes / 1992
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards : for the oil base solvent wash subcategories of the paint formulating and the ink formulating point source categories / 1975
Development Document for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards for the Paint Formulating and the Ink Formulating Point Source Categories. 1975
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the paint formulating and the ink formulating point source categories. 1975
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards, and pretreatment standards for the paint formulating point source category. 1979
Draft engineering report for development of effluent limitations guidelines for the paint manufacturing industry (BATEA, NSPS, pretreatment) / 1979
Economic analysis of proposed effluent guidelines : paint and allied products and printing ink industries. 1974
Economic analysis of proposed revised effluent guidelines and standards for the paint manufacturing industry / 1979
Economic impact analysis for controlling water pollution in the paint manufacturing industry. 1981
Environmental paints and coatings training program / 1988
Field Operations and Enforcement Manual for Air Pollution Control. Volume III: Inspection Procedures for Specific Industries. 1972
Guides to pollution prevention : the paint manufacturing industry. 1990
Guides to pollution prevention : the paint manufacturing industry. 1991
Hazardous waste minimization audit studies on the paint manufacturing industry / 1987
Hazardous waste minimization checklist & assessment manual for paint formulators. 1991
Hazardous Waste Minimization. Part 3. Waste Minimization in the Paint and Allied Products Industry. 1988
Health and safety, environmental pollution and the paint industry : a survey covering legislation, standards, codes of practice, and toxicology 1977
Impact evaluation planning project for the Toxic Substances Control Act : synopses of workshops with five trade associations in the chemical industries / 1977
Locating and estimating air emissions from sources of methyl chloroform. 1994
Locating and estimating air emissions from sources of methyl ethyl ketone. 1994
Model operating permit to control PM10 emissions from paint manufacturing 1992
National household survey of interior painters : final report / 1987
OPD chemical buyers directory. 1969
Paint removal : an assessment of emission control options. 1992
Paint technology and air pollution : a survey and economic assessment / 1972
Paint waste reduction and disposal options 1992
Paint waste reduction and disposal options executive summary / 1992
Pollution prevention assessment for a manufacturer of paints and coatings / 1995
Pollution prevention in paints and coatings processes : a technical assistance manual : draft / 1997
Pollution prevention in the paints and coatings industry : manual. 1997
Pollution Prevention Opportunities in the Manufacture of Paint and Coatings. 1994
Preliminary data summary for the paint formulating point source category. 1989
Subject: congressional transcript from the May 20, 1998 hearing on EPA's proposed rule on paints before the Subcommittee on Energy and Environment of the House Science Committee / 1998
Waste minimization assessment for a paint manufacturing plant / 1991
Waterborne wastes of the paint and inorganic pigments industries / 1974

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