Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 25
Showing: Items 1 - 25
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Pacific Northwest United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
Annual report / 1967
Columbia basin water withdrawal environmental review / 1979
Columbia River Basin fish and wildlife program. 2000
Economic Growth Analysis System (E-GAS) for EPA Regions 8 and 10 - Rocky Mountain (for Microcomputers). 1994
Economics of Snake River salmon recovery : a report to the National Marine Fisheries Service / 1995
Ecosystem management research in the Pacific Northwest : five-year research strategy / 1995
EPA Region 10 in-stream biological monitoring handbook for wadable streams in the Pacific Northwest / 1993
EPA's 2008 report on the environment : indicators presenting data for EPA Region 10 / 2008
Grasses and legumes for soil conservation in the Pacific Northwest and Great Basin States 1968
Implications of Climate Change for the Water Balance of the Columbia River Basin, USA. 1993
Inventory of research in water pollution and related fields, Columbia Basin and Pacific Coast, 1961 / 1962
Inventory of research in water pollution and related fields, Columbia Basin and Pacific Coast, 1962 / 1962
Inventory of research in water pollution and related fields, Columbia Basin and Pacific Coast, 1963 / 1963
Irrigation return flow study, Wapato Irrigation District, Yakima River Basin, Washington. 1964
Monitoring in Support of the Pacific Northwest Forest Plan: A Report on Requirements and Key Questions. 1995
Multi-purpose dams of the Pacific Northwest / 1976
Nutrient addition to restore salmon runs : is it consistent with environmental policies and regulations. 2001
Overview and initial results of the NCASI marbled murrelet program. 1995
Overview of Selected U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Ecological Research in the Prairie Pothole and Pacific Northwest Regions. 1995
Quality assurance project plan for evaluating and refining the estuarine habitat assessment protocol on Puget Sound and Pacific Northwest reference sites 1993
Status of the interior Columbia Basin : summary of scientific findings / 1996
The Columbia River Basin Project for water supply and water quality management : sediment production rating : Willamette Basin, Oregon / 1962
The Symons report on the upper Columbia River & the great plain of the Columbia / 1967
Willamette River basin (Oregon) irrigation trends / 1962
Willamette River basin (Oregon) water use trends and estimate of growth, 1960-2010 / 1962

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