Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Pacific Northwest Region)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1984 Environmental management report update 1984
A stream systems evaluation : an emphasis on spawning habitat for salmonids / 1979
Accomplishments report 1982. 1983
Aquatic Invasive Species: A Guide to Least-Wanted Aquatic Organisms of the Pacific Northwest. 2001
Cattle feedlots in the Pacific Northwest. 1973
Central Snake River Basin : a description of Bureau of Reclamation system operation of the Boise and Payette Rivers. 1971
Characteristics of successful riparian restoration projects in the Pacific Northwest / 1991
Clam Bay...: a new EPA lab to serve you. 1980
Controlling sediment and nutrient losses from Pacific Northwest irrigated areas {microform} / 1981
Corrosion in Water Distribution Systems of the Pacific Northwest. 1987
Corrosion Monitoring and Control in the Pacific Northwest. 1987
Design and performance of slow sand filters in the Pacific Northwest 1989
Enforcement in the 80's: Compliance with Environmental Laws. 1985
Environmental management report. 1983
Environmental quality profile 1976 : Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington. 1976
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Initiates Wetlands Research in the Pacific Northwest. 1987
EPA Region 10 analysis of the policy implications of regional MSW disposal final report / 1990
Forest harvest, residue treatment, reforestation and protection of water quality / 1976
Getting in touch with your EPA : [region 10]. 1979
Hazardous waste management in the Pacific Northwest : final report : findings and recommendations / 1988
Hierarchical Stochastic Model of Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Patterns and Multiple Station Daily Precipitation. 1992
Interim Environmental Guidelines for Thermal Power Plant Site Evaluation-Pacific Northwest. 1970
Long-Term Distributions of Annual Sediment Yields from Small Watersheds. 1981
Near Infrared Aerial Photo-Detection of 'Zostera japonica' Communities in Pacific Northwest Estuarine Intertidal Habitats. 1999
Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Pacific Northwest Forest Vegetation. 1992
Pulp mill status report Region X / 1975
Recent economic trends in Region 10 / 1985
Region 10 environmental management report update. 1985
Region 10 priorities : 2004 annual report : a report on the goals, objectives and accomplishments in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington / 2004
Regional guide for the Pacific Northwest region 1984
Regional Variation in Growth Response of Coastal Douglas-Fir to Nitrogen Fertilizer in the Pacific Northwest. 1990
Relationship of effluent limitations to future pulp mill closures / 1972
Remember the past, protect the future : 30 years of environmental progress : 1970-2000 / 2000
Remote Sensing Report, Pacific Northwest Area, Washington, Oregon, Idaho. April and July 1973. 1974
Residential wood combustion study : final report / task 2A Current and projected air quality impacts : 1983
Residential wood combustion study : Task 1, ambient air quality impact analysis : appendices / 1984
Residential wood combustion study : Task 1, Ambient air quality impact analysis appendices : final report / 1982
Residential wood combustion study : task 3 Wood fuel use projection : final report / 1982
Residential wood combustion study : task 5 Emissions testing of wood stoves : final report / 1982
Residential wood combustion study : task 5. emissions testing of wood stoves : volumes 3 & 4 (appendices) : final report / 1982
Residential wood combustion study : Task 7, Indoor air quality : final report / 1984
Residential wood combustion study final report / Task 1, Ambient air quality impact analysis : 1982
Residential wood combustion study final report / Task 2B Household information survey : 1982
Residential wood combustion study final report / Task 6 Control strategy analysis : 1983
Residential wood combustion study, task 1 ambient air quality impact analysis : final report / 1984
Residential wood combustion study, task 4 : technical analysis of wood stoves : combustion principles, design considerations, operating techniques : final report / 1984
Residential wood combustion study. final report {microfiche} Indoor air quality : 1982
Residential wood combustion study. Task 2A, Current and projected air quality impacts. 1984
Residential wood combustion study. Task 2B, Household information survey. 1985
Residential wood combustion study. Task 3, Wood fuel use projection 1984
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