Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Advances in Sensing with Security Applications [electronic resource] / 2006
Aerial Photography and Legal Applications. The Annual Environmental Sciences (4th): A Primer for the Technically Challenged. 1995
Air Pollution/Land Use Planning Project Volume II. Methods for Predicting Air Pollution Concentrations from Land Use. 1973
Air Pollution/Land Use Planning Project. Volume I. Selected Land Use Control Policies for Air Quality Management. 1973
Analysis and trial application of correlation methodologies for predicting toxicity of organic chemicals / 1976
Analysis of the Spectra of Genetic Activity Produced by Known or Suspected Human Carcinogens. 1984
Application of SIMCA (Soft Independent Modeling of Class Analogy) Pattern Recognition to Air Pollutant Analytical Data. 1984
Application of Some Pattern Recognition Methods in Interpreting Mass Spectra (Anwendung Einiger Methoden der Zutomatischen Zeichenerkennung auf die Interpretation von Massenspektren). 1974
Applications of Information Theory and Pattern Recognition to Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Toxic Organic Compounds in Ambient Air. 1986
Applications of pattern recognition 1982
Biomedical pattern recognition and image processing : report of the Dahlem Workshop on Biomedical Pattern Recognition and Image Processing, Berlin, 1979, May 14-18 1979
Classification of Binary Mass Spectra of Toxic Compounds with an Inductive Expert System and Comparison with SIMCA Class Modeling (Journal Version). 1988
Comparison of SIMCA Pattern Recognition and Library Search Identification of Hazardous Compounds from Mass Spectra. 1990
Complex Artificial Environments Simulation, Cognition and VR in the Study and Planning of Cities / [electronic resource] : 2006
Computational and Statistical Approaches to Genomics [electronic resource] / 2006
Computer Assisted Studies of Structure-Activity Relations Using Pattern Recognition. 1983
Computer modelling of urban air quality using adaptive pattern classification / 1971
Computer processing of multispectral scanner data over coal strip mines / 1979
Computer Technology: Pattern Recognition of Behavioral Events in the Nonhuman Primate. 1980
Computer-assisted microscopy : the measurement and analysis of images / 1990
Computer-Assisted Structure Activity Relationships of Nitrogenous Cyclic Compounds Tested in Salmonella Assays for Mutagenicity. 1987
Computer-Assisted Studies of Molecular Structure and Genotoxic Activity by Pattern Recognition Techniques. 1985
Concentrations and Patterns of Photochemical Oxidants in the United States. 1989
Contribution to the Interpretation of Mass Spectra with the Aid of Adaptive Linear Classifiers (Beitrag zur Interpretation von Massenspektren mit Hilfe Adaptiver, Linearer Klassifikatoren). 1974
Determination of Polychlorinated Biphenyl Levels in the Serum of Residents and in the Homogenates of Seafood from the New Bedford, Massachusetts Area: A Comparison of Exposure Sources through Pattern Recognition Techniques. 1994
Determining the Demand and Economic Value for the Water-Based Outdoor Recreation Resources at Lake MacBride State Park in the Summer of 1970. 1971
Development of Representative Driving Patterns at Various Average Route Speeds. 1974
Driving patterns of heavy duty vehicles operating in the St. Louis regional area / 1976
Evaluation of a Finite Multipole Expansion Technique for the Computation of Electrostatic Potentials of Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and Related Systems. 1990
Expert System for Estimates of Molecular Weights of Volatile Organic Compounds from Low-Resolution Mass Spectra. 1991
Exploration of Components Affecting and Limiting Policymaking Options in Local Water Agencies: Phase Ii. 1970
Fundamentals of pattern recognition / 1972
Guide to preselection of training samples and ground truth collection / 1977
Improved Method for Estimating Molecular Weights of Volatile Organic Compounds from Low Resolution Mass Spectra. 1991
Interpretation of Low-Resolution Mass Spectra by Classification with Neighbor Spectra from a Library. Determination of Substance Classes and Chemical Structures: (Interpretation Niedrig Aufgeloester Massenspektren durch Klassifikation mit Hilfe der Nachbarspektren aus Einer Bibliothek. Ermittling von Substanzklassen und Chemischen Strukturen). 1974
Introduction to pattern recognition : statistical, structural, neural, and fuzzy logic approaches / 1999
Large Scale Evaluation of a Pattern Recognition/Expert System for Mass Spectral Molecular Weight Estimation. 1993
Methodology for Synthesis and Optimization of Diffusion Patterns in Flow Systems. 1971
Model of Community Problem Solving and Selected Empirical Applications. 1971
Monitoring design for riparian forests in the Pacific Northwest : research plan / 1997
Monte Carlo Studies of the Classifications Made by Nonparametric Linear Discriminant Functions. 1985
Monte Carlo Studies of the Classifications Made by Nonparametric Linear Discriminant Functions. 2. Effects of Nonideal Data. 1985
Numerical Index for Characterizing Data Set Separation. 1985
Optimal Plans for the Capacity Expansion of a Municipal Water Treatment-Distribution System. 1971
Pattern Recognition Analysis of a Set of Mutagenic Aliphatic N-Nitrosamines. 1985
Pattern Recognition Studies of Complex Chromatographic Data Sets. 1985
Pattern Recognition/Expert System for Mass Spectra of Volatile Toxic and Other Organic Compounds. 1992
Patterns of Politics in Water Resource Development: A Case Study of New Mexico's Role in the Colorado River Basin Bill. 1969
Peak N160 of Rat Flash Evoked Potential: Does It Reflect Habituation or Sensitization. 1989
Preprocessing, Variable Selection, and Classification Rules in the Application of SIMCA Pattern Recognition to Mass Spectral Data. 1989
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