Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 41
Showing: Items 1 - 41
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Ozone Environmental aspects United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
Air pollution : ozone study and action : action research and community problem solving / 1996
Air pollution ozone attainment requires long-term solutions to solve complex problems : report to congressional requesters / 1988
Air quality criteria for ozone and related photochemical oxidants {electronic resource} / 2006
Air quality criteria for ozone and related photochemical oxidants. 2006
Assessment of the role of nitrogen oxides in nonurban ozone formation / 1986
Catching our breath : next steps for reducing urban ozone : summary. 1989
Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee's (CASAC) Ozone Review Panel's peer review of the Agency's Air quality criteria for ozone and related photochemical oxidants (first external review draft), volumes I, II, and III, (EPA/600/R-05/004aA, bA, and cA, January 2005). 2005
Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee's (CASAC) peer review of the Agency's 2nd draft ozone staff paper 2006
Draft guidance for ozone and fine particulate matter permit modeling / 2020
Draft guidance for ozone and fine particulate matter permit modeling. 2020
El smog--a quien perjudica? : lo que usted necesita saber acerca del ozono y su salud. 2000
Emissions inventory guidance for implementation of ozone and particulate matter national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) and regional haze regulations. 1999
Environmental Protection Agency : interstate ozone transport; response to court decisions on the NOx SIP call, NOx SIP call technical amendments, and Section 126 rules / 2004
Example documentation report for 1990 base year ozone and carbon monoxide state implementation plan emission inventories / 1992
General conformity guidance : questions and answers / 1994
Guidance for initiating ozone/CO SIP emission inventories pursuant to 1990 Clean Air Act amendments 1991
Guidance for ozone and fine particulate matter permit modeling 2022
Guidance for ozone and fine particulate matter permit modeling 2021
Guidance on the preparation of exceptional events demonstrations for wildfire events that may influence ozone concentrations 2016
Implementation of EPA's 8-hour ozone standard 2004
Major CO, NO2 and VOC sources in the 25-mile boundary around ozone nonattainment areas. 1992
Ozone & carbon monoxide proposed nonattainment designations per Mitchell-Conte amendment : June 6, 1988 proposed rulemaking & technical support document. 1988
Ozone and carbon monoxide areas designated nonattainment / 1991
Ozone risk communication and management 1990
Policy assessment for the reconsideration of the Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards: external review draft version 2. 2023
Policy assessment for the reconsideration of the Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards: external review draft. 2022
Policy assessment for the review of the Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards : external review draft. 2019
Policy assessment for the review of the ozone national ambient air quality standards. 2020
Post-1987 Ozone/CO policy summary of public comments : support document / 1990
Protecting yourself from ozone smog pollution. 1999
Regulatory Impact Analysis of the final revisions to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ground-level ozone. 2015
Regulatory impact analysis of the standards of performance for new, reconstructed, and modified sources and emissions guidelines for existing sources : oil and natural gas sector climate review 2023
Review of the national ambient air quality standards for ozone : policy assessment of scientific and technical information. 1996
Smog--who does it hurt? : what you need to know about ozone and your health. 1999
The Clean Air Act ozone design value study : final report. 1994
The ozone report : measuring progress through 2003. 2004
The Role of ozone precursors in tropospheric ozone formation and control : a report to Congress. 1993
Tropospheric ozone : critical issues in the regulatory process: proceedings of a Specialty Conference / 1996
Tropospheric ozone : nonattainment and design value issues : proceedings of a U.S. EPA/A&WMA International Specialty Conference / 1993
Tropospheric ozone and the environment II effects, modeling and control / 1992
Urban ozone and the Clean Air Act : problems and proposals for change : a staff paper from OTA's assessment of new Clean Air Act issues / 1988

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