Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Ozone Physiological effect)

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Select Item Title Year Published
<>. 2017
Air quality criteria for ozone and other photochemical oxidants / 1984
Air quality criteria for ozone and other photochemical oxidants : review draft / 1985
Air quality criteria for ozone and other photochemical oxidants. 1978
Air quality criteria for ozone and other photochemical oxidants. 1986
Air quality criteria for ozone and related photochemical oxidants / 1993
Air quality criteria for ozone and related photochemical oxidants / 1994
Air quality criteria for ozone and related photochemical oxidants {electronic resource} / 2006
Air quality criteria for ozone and related photochemical oxidants. 2006
Aldehydes (nonanal and hexanal) in rat and human bronchoalveolar lavage fluid after ozone exposure 1999
Aquatic applications of ozone : {based on papers presented at a workshop held Sept. 19-20, 1974, in Boston, Massachusetts / 1975
Biological effects of environmental pollutants : review and status of ozone and pan 1974
Catching our breath : next steps for reducing urban ozone : summary. 1989
Clean air standards : hearing before the Subcommittee on Health and the Environment of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One hundredth Congress, first session, February 19, 1987. 1987
Development of samplers for measuring human exposures to ozone : includes the commentary of the Institute's Health Review Committee. 1994
Effect of exposure to PAN and ozone on susceptibility to chronic bacterial infection / 1979
Effects of low levels of ozone and temperature stress / 1976
Effects of ozone on airway epithelial permeability and ion transport 1991
Effects of ozone on leukocyte DNA / 1981
Effects of ozone on normal and potentially sensitive human subjects. 1997
El ozono y su salud. 2000
El smog--a quién perjudica? : lo que usted necesita saber acerca del ozono y su salud. 2000
EPA's case for new ozone and particulate standards : would Americans get their money's worth? / 1997
EPA, ozone and your health. 1999
Evaluation of ozone emissions from portable indoor "air cleaners" that intentionally generate ozone 2006
Heat advisory : how global warming causes more bad air days / 2004
Heat advisory : how global warming causes more bad air days / 2004
Improvement of a respiratory ozone analyzer 1997
Leukocyte-mediated epithelial injury in ozone-exposed rat lung 1991
Mechanisms of response to ozone exposure : the role of mast cells in mice / 1999
Methods development for epidemiologic investigations of the health effects of prolonged ozone exposure. 1998
New methods in ozone toxicology : abstracts of six pilot studies / 1992
Noninvasive determination of respiratory ozone absorption : development of a fast-responding ozone analyzer / 1991
Ozone : its effects and control. 1978
Ozone exposure and daily mortality in Mexico City : a time-series analysis / 1996
Ozone exposure and pulmonary metabolic effects of mediators and hormones / 1981
Ozone exposure and pulmonary metabolic effects of mediators and hormones / 1981
Ozone generators in indoor air settings / 1995
Ozone generators in indoor air settings / 1995
Ozone health risk assessment for selected urban areas ; Ozone health risk assessment for selected urban areas: appendices / 2007
Ozone population exposure analysis for selected urban areas. 2007
Response of loblolly pine seedlings to ozone over three growing seasons. 1989
Results of research related to stratospheric ozone protection 1978
Results of research related to stratospheric ozone protection / 1980
Results of research related to stratospheric ozone protection : report to Congress / 1978
Role of ozone in tracheal cell transformation 1992
Smog--who does it hurt? : what you need to know about ozone and your health. 1999
Stratospheric ozone depletion : a focus on EPA's research / 1995
The respiratory effects of low level ozone exposure : clinical studies / 1987
The Role of ozone in tracheal cell transformation / 1992
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