Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Oxidizing agents)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1978 Houston oxidant modeling study volumes I and II / 1983
A study of the effect of atmospheric humidity on analytical oxidant measurement methods / 1975
Advances in diesel particulate control. 1986
Advances in diesel particulate control. 1990
Air quality criteria for photochemical oxidants and related hydrocarbons : a report / 1974
Air quality data for the Northeast oxidant transport study, 1975 : final data report / 1977
Alternative disinfectants and oxidants guidance manual. 1999
Alternative oxidants for the removal of soluble iron and manganese 1990
Benzoyl peroxide 1978
Biochemical effects of environmental pollutants / 1977
Catalytic oxidation of fuels for NOx control from area sources / 1976
Characterization of the Washington, D.C. oxidant problem : final report / 1977
Chemical oxidation treatment. 1991
Chemical reactions of aquatic humic materials with selected oxidants / 1983
Code for the storage of liquid and solid oxidizers. 2000
Conceptual design for a Gulf Coast oxidant transport and transformation experiment : workshop proceedings and recommendations / 1985
Control of photochemical oxidants : technical basis and implications of recent findings. 1975
Control strategies for photochemical oxidants across Europe / 1990
Controlling zebra mussels at water treatment plant intakes 1997
Detection and interpretation of trends in oxidant air quality / 1976
Developments in diesel particulate control. 1988
Diesel particulate control. 1985
Effect of hydrocarbon composition on oxidant-hydrocarbon relationships : phase II. blend of total hydrocarbon emissions / 1977
Effects of oxidant and sulfate interaction on production of lung lesions / 1976
EMEP Workshop on combined analysis of measurements and model results with special emphasis on NOX / VOC / oxidants : summary report. 1991
Environmental oxidants / 1994
EPA regional oxidant model (ROM2.0) : evaluation on 1980 NEROS data bases / 1989
EPA Regional Oxidant Model (ROM2.0) : evaluation on 1980 NEROS data bases / 1989
EPA regional oxidant model : description and evaluation plan / 1985
EPA regional oxidant model : description and evaluation plan / 1985
EPA regional oxidant model : ROM1 evaluation for 3-4 August 1979 / 1986
EPA regional oxidant model : ROM1 evaluation for 3-4 August 1979 / 1986
Formation and transport of oxidants along Gulf Coast and in northern U.S. / 1976
Guia del ciudadano para la oxidacion quimica. 2001
Guia del ciudadano para la oxidacion quimica. 2001
Impacts of dissolved organic carbon on iron removal 1993
International conference on oxidants : 1976--analysis of evidence and viewpoints : Part II. The issue of reactivity / 1977
International conference on oxidants, 1976 : analysis of evidence and viewpoints : Part I. definition of key issues / 1977
International conference on oxidants, 1976 : analysis of evidence and viewpoints : Part III. The issue of stratospheric ozone intrusion / 1977
International conference on oxidants, 1976 : analysis of evidence and viewpoints : Part IV. The issue of natural organic emissions / 1977
International conference on oxidants, 1976 : analysis of evidence and viewpoints : Part V. The issue of oxidant transport / 1977
International conference on oxidants, 1976 : analysis of evidence and viewpoints : Part VI. The issue of air quality simulation model utility / 1977
International conference on oxidants, 1976 : analysis of evidence and viewpoints : Part VII. The issue of oxidant/ozone measurement / 1977
International conference on oxidants, 1976 : analysis of evidence and viewpoints : Part VIII. The issue of optimum oxidant control strategy / 1977
International conference on photochemical oxidant pollution and its control : proceedings : volume I / 1977
International conference on photochemical oxidant pollution and its control : proceedings : volume II / 1977
Lauroyl peroxide 1978
Manganese compounds as oxidizing agents in organic chemistry 1981
Mechanisms of oxidation by metal ions 1976
Oxidant air pollutant effects on a western coniferous forest ecosystem : Task C, study site selection and on-site collection of background information / 1973
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