Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 163
Showing: Items 151 - 163
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Organs)

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Select Item Title Year Published
The Science of Reconstructive Transplantation [electronic resource] / 2015
Third Decennial Review Conference Cell, Tissue, and Organ Culture; gene expression and regulation in cultured cells. 1978
Tissue Distribution of P32-Labeled Parathion. 1961
Toxic and carcinogenic effects of solid particles in the respiratory tract / 1994
Toxicology of the eye, ear, and other special senses 1985
Transplantation of Composite Tissue Allografts [electronic resource] / 2008
Transplantation of Neural Tissue into the Spinal Cord [electronic resource] / 2006
Urologic surgical pathology / 2014
Veterans and agent orange. Length of presumptive period for association between exposure and respiratory cancer / 2004
Viral and mycoplasmal infections of the respiratory tract. 1973
WHO classification of tumours of female reproductive organs / 2014
Williams gynecology / 2016
Workshop on Genitourinary Cancer Immunology : held in Iowa City, Iowa, August 30-September 1, 1976 1978
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