Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A guide to industrial respiratory protection / 1976
A quantitative estimate of nonsmokers' lung cancer risk from passive smoking / 1985
Addendum to the Health consequences of sulfur oxides : a report from CHESS, 1970-1971, May 1974. 1980
Aerosol technology in hazard evaluation, 1973
Air pollution and respiratory disease / 1964
Air pollution and respiratory disease. 1972
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine : an official journal of the American Thoracic Society, medical section of the American Lung Association. 1994
American review of respiratory disease. 1959
Analysis of the scope of federal laws and regulations controlling exposures to substances which cause occupational respiratory and pulmonary diseases 1979
Annals of the American Thoracic Society : an official organ of the American Thoracic Society. 2013
Approaches for the application of physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models and supporting data in risk assessment. 2006
Assessment of Ambient UFP Health Effects: Linking Sources to Exposure and Responses in Extrapulmonary Organs. 2011
Atlas of respiratory disease mortality, United States, 1982-1993 / 1998
Biologic markers in urinary toxicology 1995
Biology of the Percids. 1977
Cadmium induced histopathological changes in the gills of the brown bullhead Ictalurus nebulosus (Lesueur) / 1978
Campbell-Walsh urology eleventh edition review / 2016
Characteristics, deposition and fate of inhaled particulate matter / 1988
Characteristics, deposition and fate of inhaled particulate matter / 1986
Characterization of the Ah Receptor. 1988
Chemical communication and chemoreception in the Dungeness crab, Cancer Magister, and the Lined Shore crab, Pachygrapsus Crassipes / 1974
Chemical hazards to human reproduction 1981
Chemical hazards to human reproduction 1983
Chemically Induced Histopathology in Aquatic Invertebrates (Chapter 14). 1993
Chemicals Identified in Human Biological Media. 1981
Cholinergic Involvement in the Action of Formetanate on Operant Behavior in Rats. 1987
Clinical aspects of inhaled particles; 1972
Combined Reproduction and Prenatal Developmental Toxicity Screening Study after Inhalation. 2008
Concepts in inhalation toxicology 1989
Concepts in inhalation toxicology 1995
Concepts in inhalation toxicology / 2019
Contributions to sensory physiology. 1965
Cough and other respiratory reflexes 1979
Current research in chronic airways obstruction. 1968
Current research in chronic obstructive lung disease; proceedings. 1968
Current research in chronic respiratory disease; proceedings. 1969
Decrements in Olfactory Sensitivity Due to Ozone Exposure. 1979
Determination of the effects of material from alternate energy sources on the upper respiratory tract clearance mechanism : part I and part II / 1982
Developmental Change in Reversal Learning of an Olfactory Discrimination. 1989
Digestive system 1985
Digestive tract tumors : fundamental and clinical aspects 1986
Disease, metabolism, and reproduction in the toxic response to drugs and other chemicals : proceedings of the European Society of Toxicology Meeting held in Rome, March 28-30, 1983 1984
Early markers of lung injury 1989
Ecology of chronic nonspecific respiratory diseases : international symposium, September 7-8, 1971, Warsaw, Poland 1972
Effects of ionizing radiation on the reproductive system; proceedings of an international symposium held at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. 1964
Effects of low levels of ozone and temperature stress / 1976
Effects of pollutants on human viral respiratory disease / 1984
Effects of short-term intermittent air pollutants on incidence and severity of acute respiratory disease : data collection and quality assurance / 1982
Environmental factors in respiratory disease. 1972
Environmental impact on the airways : from injury to repair / 1996
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