Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Organochlorine insecticides)

Select Item Title Year Published
Biological and Abiotic Degradation of Xenobiotic Compounds in Vitro Estaurine Water and Sediment/Water Systems. 1988
Camphechlor. 1984
Carcinogenicity of Black Rock Harbor Sediment to the Eastern Oyster and Trophic Transfer of Black Rock Harbor Carcinogens from the Blue Mussel to the Winter Flounder. 1991
Characterization of Chemical Kindling with the Pesticide Endosulfan. 1992
Chlordecone. 1984
Chlorendic acid and anhydride 1996
Determination of routes of exposure of infants and toddlers to household pesticides : a pilot study (report for Mar 90 - Mar 91) / 1991
Effects of Dicofol on Mallard Eggshell Quality. 1990
Mirex. 1984
Persistence of DDT Residues and Dieldrin Off a Pesticide Processing Plant in San Francisco Bay, California. 1999
Potentiation of 2,6-Dinitrotoluene Genotoxicity in Fischer 344 Rats by Pretreatment with Pentachlorophenol. 1991
Proconvulsant Activity of Endosulfan in Amygdala Kindling. 1992
RED facts : dicofol / 1998
Reregistration eligibility document (RED) : dicofol / 1998
Toxaphene : drinking water health advisory. 1995

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