Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 116
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Organizational effectiveness)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1997 update to ORD's strategic plan / 1997
80/20 individual : how to accomplish more by doing less - the nine essentials of 80/20 success at work / 2003
Accelerating leadership development : practical solutions for building your organization's potential / 2013
Action research report no. 3 on planned change in the military justice system : phase three : increasing the organizational effectiveness in the development of military human resources / 1973
Alignment : using the balanced scorecard to create corporate synergies / 2006
All teams are not created equal how employee empowerment really works / 1992
An SAB report : review of environmental goals for America. 1997
Assessing organizational communication : strategic communication audits / 2004
Balanced scorecard : translating strategy into action / 1996
Benchmarking: benchmarking for continuous environmental improvement / 1994
Beyond time management organizing the organization / 1986
Boundary spanning leadership : six practices for solving problems, driving innovation, and transforming organizations / 2011
Building beehives : a handbook for creating communities that generate returns / 2004
Catalog of Tools, Methods and Measures for Assessing and Improving Performance in HRD Professional Roles in High Performance Organizations. Springboard Version. 1996
Characteristics of High Performing Federal Agencies. 1997
Conflict management the courage to confront / 1995
Creating a lean culture : tools to sustain lean conversions / 2015
Creating an organization that innovates / 1986
Creativity, Inc. : overcoming the unseen forces that stand in the way of true inspiration / 2014
Designing effective organizations the sociotechnical systems perspective / 1988
Designing team-based organizations : new forms for knowledge work / 1995
Driving fear out of the workplace : how to overcome the invisible barriers to quality, productivity, and innovation / 1991
Empowered manager : positive political skills at work / 1987
Environmental Protection Agency strategic plan : September 2000. 2000
Environmental results management systems : moving from planning to action by measuring what counts, a guide for implementation of results-based management systems in environmental and natural resources agencies / 1999
EPA strategic plan. 1997
Even more games trainers play : experiential learning exercises / 1994
Fifth discipline : the art and practice of the learning organization / 1994
Figuring things out : a trainer's guide to needs and task analysis / 1982
Fiscal year 2011-2015 EPA strategic plan : achieving our vision / 2010
Five most important questions you will ever ask about your nonprofit organization : participant's workbook : the Drucker Foundation self-assessment tool for nonprofit organizations / 1993
Focus Areas for Headquarters Support for Regional Decision Making. 1999
From one to many : best practices for team and group coaching / 2013
Future think : how to think clearly in a time of change / 2006
FY 1998 Superfund Reforms Strategy. 1997
Getting results : a guide for Federal leaders and managers / 2005
Getting results : five absolutes for high performance / 2001
Green recovery : get lean, get smart, and emerge from the downturn on top / 2009
Harvard business review on measuring corporate performance. 1998
High-impact management : solutions for today's busy public-sector managers / 2010
How to be a positive leader : small actions, big impact / 2014
How to form a team : five keys to high performance / 2001
HRD Professional Roles and Competencies in High Performance Organizations. Springboard Version. 1996
In search of business value : insuring a return on your technology investment / 2004
Innovation and change management in public and private organizations : case studies and options for EPA / 2003
Insights on leadership : service, stewardship, spirit, and servant-leadership / 1998
Introduction to quality management selected readings / 1990
Leaders / 2002
Liberation management : necessary disorganization for the nanosecond nineties / 1994
Maintaining team performance / 2003
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