Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Organizational change)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"This isn't the company I joined" : how to lead in a business turned upside down / 2004
"This isn't the company I joined" : seven steps to energizing a restructured work force / 1997
101 design methods : a structured approach for driving innovation in your organization / 2013
1993 transition. 1993
50 activities for self-directed teams 1994
A sense of urgency / 2008
A survival guide to the stress of organizational change / 1995
Adapting to change : making it work for you / 1993
Adhocracy : the power to change / 1990
Advancing inclusion : a guide for being an effective diversity council and ERG member / 2015
Ants, Galileo & Gandhi : designing the future of business through nature, genius, and compassion / 2003
Appreciative coaching : a positive process for change / 2007
Appreciative inquiry : a mechanism for maximizing empower in social systems / 1998
Art of the long view : paths to strategic insight for yourself and your company / 1996
Beyond race and gender : unleashing the power of your total work force by managing diversity / 1991
Beyond race and gender : unleashing the power of your total work force by managing diversity / 1992
Boundary spanning leadership : six practices for solving problems, driving innovation, and transforming organizations / 2011
Breaking free : a prescription for personal and organizational change / 1997
Building a shared vision : a leader's guide to aligning the organization / 1997
Building on the promise of diversity : how we can move to the next level in our workplaces, our communities, and our society / 2006
Business as unusual the handbook for managing and supervising organizational change / 1994
Calling a halt to mindless change : a plea for commonsense management / 1998
Can organizations change? : Environmental protection, citizen participation, and the Corps of Engineers / 1979
Caught in the middle 1992
Challenge of change in organizations : helping employees thrive in the new frontier / 1995
Change handbook : group methods for shaping the future / 1999
Change management : the people side of change / 2003
Coaching for performance : the principles and practice of coaching and leadership / 2017
Common purpose : how great leaders get organizations to achieve the extraordinary / 2010
Creating a lean culture : tools to sustain lean conversions / 2015
Creating high-performance government organizations : a practical guide for public managers / 1998
Crisis in organizations : managing and communicating in the heat of chaos / 1993
Dance of change : the challenges of sustaining momentum in learning organizations / 1999
Dealing with organizational change : a guide for federal employees and managers / 1996
Developing diversity in organizations a digest of selected literature / 1992
Discovering the future : the business of paradigms / 1989
Diversity in the workplace : human resources initiatives / 1992
Enlightened leadership : getting to the heart of change / 1994
Enterprise 2.0 : how social software will change the future of work / 2008
Epic change : how to lead change in the global age / 2008
Federal Register. Friday January 15, 1993. Environmental Leadership Program ; Proposed Establishment ; Notice. Part IV Environmental Protection Agency : 1993
Future think : how to think clearly in a time of change / 2006
Getting back on the compliance track : draft discussion report of the Compliance & Enforcement Sector / 1996
Getting change right : how leaders transform organizations from the inside out / 2010
Good to great : why some companies make the leap ... and others don't / 2001
Good to great and the social sectors : why business thinking is not the answer : a monograph to accompany Good to great : why some companies make the leap--and others don't / 2005
High-performance government : structure, leadership, incentives / 2005
Human resources and change management for safety professionals / 2019
Humanizing public organizations perspectives on doing better-than-average when average ain't at all bad / 1985
Imaginization the art of creative management / 1993
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