Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 28
Showing: Items 1 - 28
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Organische verbindingen)

Select Item Title Year Published
AMAP assessment 2002 : persistent organic pollutants in the Arctic / 2004
Aqueous solubility : methods of estimation for organic compounds / 1992
Atlas of spectral data and physical constants for organic compounds / 1975
Catalytic activation of carbon monoxide : based on a symposium sponsored by the Division of Inorganic Chemistry at the Second Chemical Congress of the North American Continent (180th ACS national meeting), Las Vegas, Nevada, August 25-27, 1980 / 1981
Environmental modeling : fate and transport of pollutants in water, air, and soil / 1996
Environmental organic chemistry / 2003
Environmental organic chemistry / 1993
Environmental organic chemistry : illustrative examples, problems, and case studies / 1995
Fieser and Fieser's reagents for organic synthesis. 1980
Fiesers' reagents for organic synthesis. 1999
Handbook of analytical derivatization reactions / 1979
Handbook of environmental data on organic chemicals / 1996
Handbook of environmental data on organic chemicals / 1983
Handbook of property estimation methods for chemicals : environmental and health sciences / 2000
High-resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry / 1999
Identification of organic compounds with the aid of gas chromatography 1973
Kinetics and mechanism : a study of homogeneous chemical reactions / 1961
Multimedia environmental models : the fugacity approach / 1991
Organic reactions. 1942
Oxidation of organic compounds; proceedings. 1968
Partitioning based approaches to study exposure and effects of hydrophobic organic substances = Partitie als basis voor het bestuderen van blootstelling en effecten van hydrofobe organische stoffen : proefschrift / 2000
Reaction mechanisms in environmental organic chemistry / 1994
Reagents for organic synthesis. 1967
Spectrometric identification of organic compounds. 1998
Spot tests in organic analysis / 1966
Stereochemistry of organic compounds / 1994
The Global biogeochemical sulphur cycle / 1983
The physical basis of organic chemistry / 1985

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