Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 14
Showing: Items 1 - 14
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Organisaties)

Select Item Title Year Published
Administrative behavior : a study of decision-making processes in administrative organizations / 1997
Directory of non-governmental environment and development organisations in OECD member countries / 1992
Encyclopedia of associations. International organizations. 1989
Global environment : institutions, law, and policy / 2005
Institutions for the earth : sources of effective international environmental protection / 1993
International organizations and environmental policy / 1995
Managing and organizations : an introduction to theory and practice / 2008
Strategic management of public and third sector organizations : a handbook for leaders / 1992
Strategic organizational communication : in a global economy / 2005
Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations : a guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement / 1995
Sustaining innovation : creating nonprofit and government organizations that innovate naturally / 1998
The diversity scorecard : evaluating the impact of diversity on organizational performance / 2004
The knowing-doing gap : how smart companies turn knowledge into action / 2000
World guide to environmental issues and organizations / 1990

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