Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Organic water pollutants Toxicology)

Select Item Title Year Published
1,2,3-Trichloropropane : drinking water health advisory / 1989
Aquatic toxicity testing of sparingly soluble, volatile and unstable substances 1996
Aquatic toxicology and water quality management / 1989
Assessment of health risk from organics in drinking water : a report / 1975
Draft NTP technical report on toxicity studies of a chemical mixture of 25 groundwater contaminants : administered in drinking water to F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice. 1993
Drinking water advisory munitions II / 1994
Drinking water health advisory. Munitions / 1992
Drinking water health advisory. Munitions II / 1994
Effects on toxicity of volatile priority pollutants added to a conventional wastewater treatment system / 1983
Effects on toxicity of volatile priority pollutants added to a conventional wastewater treatment system : project summary / 1983
Environmental toxicology organic pollutants / 1988
Evaluation of hyperfiltration for separation of toxic substances in textile process water / 1979
Evaluation of toxic effects of organic contaminants in recycled water / 1978
Groundwater quality in New Jersey : an investigation of toxic contaminants / 1981
Health implications of contaminants in fish = Implications medicales des polluants chez les poisson s. 1978
Toxic contaminants in the Great Lakes / 1984

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