Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Organic water pollutants Analysis)

Select Item Title Year Published
Analysis of organic micropollutants in water : proceedings of the Second European Symposium held in Killarney (Ireland), November 17-19, 1981 1982
Analysis of organic micropollutants in water : proceedings of the third European symposium, held in Oslo, Norway, September 19-21, 1983 / 1984
Analysis of water samples collected during the aldicarb survey for other chemicals : analysis for dibromochloropropane in well water : task 13, subtask 3 : final report 1980
Environmental toxicology organic pollutants / 1988
Frequency of organic compounds identified in water / 1976
Groundwater contamination by organic pollutants : analysis and remediation / 2001
Interlaboratory quality control study no. 2. Total phosphate, organic nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and organic carbon / 1972
Manual for performing risk assessments for persistent organic pollutants in aquatic ecosystems : guidelines for critical limits, calculation methods and input data / 1998
Mass spectrometry of priority pollutants / 1981
Methods of analysis by the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Quality Laboratory : Determination of 86 volatile organic compounds in water by gas chromatgraphy / mass spectrometry, including detectiions less than reporting limits / 1998
Organic pollutants in water : sampling, analysis, and toxicity testing / 1987
Purge and trap analysis using fused silica capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 1982
Surrogate and matrix spike recoveries in chlorinated samples using sodium thiosulfate, sodium arsenite and l-ascorbic acid as dechlorinating agents / 1989
Volatile organic chemicals : methods and monitoring document / 1987
Water infrastructure, desalination research and innovation : investigation of the rejection behavior of trace-organic compounds using advanced separation membrane processes : Sonoma County Water Agency Task contribution / 2006

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