Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Organic solvents)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1,2-dichloroethane technical control options analysis 1980
1,3-butadiene 1978
1,4-dichloro-(E)-2-butene 1978
2-chloroethanol 1978
A Review of the use of solvents in aquatic toxicity testing / 1992
A Survey of Aircraft Maintenance Chemicals Suspected of Contributing to Water Pollution. 1971
Accuracy of Pesticide Reference Standard Solutions. Part I. Factors Affecting Organic Solvent Evaporation. 1981
Acetonitrile 1978
Activated Sludge Treatment of Selected Aqueous Organic Hazardous Waste Compounds. 1989
Acute Sulfolane Exposure Produces Temperature-Independent and Dependent Changes in Visual Evoked Potentials. 1986
Additional studies on the softening of rigid PVC by aqueous solutions of organic solvents / 1995
Air Conservation. Volume 9, Number 4(48) 1975. 1976
Air pollution aspects of chlorine gas / 1969
Air pollution engineering manual. 1973
Air Pollution: Control Techniques for Hydrocarbon and Organic Solvent Emissions from Stationary Sources. 1973
AIRS facility subsystem : source classification codes and emission factor listing for criteria air pollutants / 1990
AIRS facility subsystem : source classification codes and emission factor listing for criteria air pollutants / 1990
Alternative control techniques document : industrial cleaning solvents / 1994
Alternatives to organic solvents in metal-cleaning operations 1989
Amendment to the best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for F006 / 1988
Anaerobic In-situ Treatment of Chlorinated Ethenes. 1990
Application of Emulsions in Tritium Counting with Refrigerated Systems. 1971
Approximate multiphase flow modeling by characteristic methods 1991
APTI correspondence course 416 : inspection procedures for organic solvent metal cleaning (degreasing) operations : guidebook / 1982
Assessment of the need for, and character of, limitations on acrylamide and its compounds : Draft final report / 1979
Assessment of VOC emissions from fiberglass boat manufacturing / 1990
Background Document for Solvents to Support 40 CFR Part 268, Land Disposal Restrictions. Volume 2. 1986
Behavior of dense nonaqueous phase liquids in sandy aquifer material : dependence on chemical and physical properties / 1993
Benefits of microprocessor control of curing ovens for solvent-based coatings. 1984
Benzoyl peroxide 1978
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for F001-F005 spent solvents : volume 1 / 1986
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for F001-F005 spent solvents : volume 2 / 1986
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for F001-F005 spent solvents : volume 3 / 1986
Biocatalysis in organic media : proceedings of an international symposium organized under the auspices of the Working Party on Applied Biocatalysis of the European Federation of Biotechnology and the Working Party on Biocatalysts of the Agricultural University, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 7-10 December, 1986 1987
Biodegradation and sorption of organic solvents and hydrocarbon fuel constitutents in subsurface environments / 1988
Biological treatment of groundwater contaminated with mixtures of aromatic compounds 1993
Biotreatment of gaseous-phase volatile organic compounds : final report 1991
Characteristics of Non-Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks. 1993
Chemical mechanisms of toxic solute interactions with soil constituents 1993
Chlorpropham : Initial scientific review No. 12 / 1977
Chronic effects of organic solvents on the central nervous system and diagnostic criteria report on a joint WHO/Nordic Council of Ministers Working Group, Copenhagen, 10-14 June 1985. 1985
Cleanliness of Common Air Sampling Sorbents for Application to Phenolic Compounds Measurement Using Supercritical Fluid Extraction. 1994
Clinical Hndbook on Economic Poisons; Emergency Information for Treating Poisoning. 1963
Compatibility of Organic Solvents with the Microscreen Prophage-Induction Assay: Solvent - Mutagen Interactions. 1991
Compilation of air pollutant emission factors / 1968
Compilation of air pollutant emission factors : second edition. 1973
Compilation of air pollutant emission factors. 1973
Compilation of air pollutant emission factors. 1972
Contaminants and remedial options at solvent-contaminated sites / 1994
Control of organic emissions from existing stationary sources / 1977
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