Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Organic compounds Biodegradation)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Atmospheric degradation of organic substances : data for persistence and long-range transport potential / 2007
Behavior of organic chemicals in the aquatic environment : a literature critique : research report from the Environmental and Sanitary Engineering Laboratories of Washington University, St. Louis, for the Manufacturing Chemists Association / 1966
Behavior of organic chemicals in the aquatic environment : Part II: Behavior in dilute systems; Research report from the Environmental and Sanitary Engineering Laboratories of Washington University, St. Louis, for the Manufacturing Chemists Association / 1968
Behavior of organic chemicals in the aquatic environment part III--behavoir in aerobic treatment systems (activated sludge) : research report from the Environmental and Sanitary Engineering Laboratories of Washington University, St. Louis, for the Manufacturing Chemists Association / 1969
Biocatalysis and biodegradation : microbial transformation of organic compounds / 2001
Biodegradability of organic substances in the aquatic environment / 1990
Biodegradation of halogenated hydrocarbons / 1987
Biodegradation of hazardous waste using white rot fungus project planning and concept development document / 1990
Biodegradation of organopollutants by a white rot fungus in bench scale reactors final report / 1993
BIOPLUME II : computer model of two-dimensional contaminant transport under the influence of oxygen limited biodegradation in ground water / 1989
Bioplume II : computer model of two-dimensional contaminant transport under the influence of oxygen limited biodegradation in ground water : user's manual - version 1.0 / 1987
Bioplume III natural attentuation decision support system user's manual version 1.0 1998
BIOPLUME model for contaminant transport affected by oxygen limited biodegradation / 1989
Bioremediation of contaminated soils 1999
Bioremediation of energetics, phenolics, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons : the Sixth International In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, San Diego, California, June 4-7, 2001 / 2001
Bioremediation of recalcitrant compounds / 2006
Biotreatment of gaseous-phase volatile organic compounds : final report 1991
Decomposition of toxic and nontoxic organic compounds in soils / 1981
Description, properties, and degradation of selected volatile organic compounds detected in ground water : a review of selected literature / 2006
Final report on correlation of biodegradation of organic chemicals with their chemical structure and physico-chemical properties 1982
Final report on effect of concentration and solubility of organic chemicals on their biodegradation 1982
Fundamental studies on the biodegradation of volatile organic chemicals in a biofilter / 1993
In-situ regeneration of granular activated carbon (GAC) using Fenton's regents / 2007
In-situ regeneration of granular activated carbon (GAC) using Fenton's regents / 2007
In-situ regeneration of granular activated carbon (GAC) using Fenton's regents : final project report / 2007
Investigations of biodegradability and toxicity of organic compounds / 1979
Microbial degradation of alkylbenzenes under sulfate-reducing and methanogenic conditions / 1991
Microbial degradation of alkylbenzenes under sulfate-reducing and methanogenic conditions : project summary / 1991
Microbial degradation of organic compounds / 1984
Minipilot Solar System : design/operation of system and results of non-solar testing at MRI : project summary / 1994
Multi-vendor bioremediation demonstration project : Environmental Laboratories/SBP Technologies' UVB vacuum vaporization well process. 1999
Numerical techniques for modeling in situ biorestoration and biodegradation of organic contaminants in ground water / 1989
Organic explosives and related compounds : environmental and health considerations / 1989
Performance of Trickle Bed Biofilters under High Toluene Loading. 1995
Preliminary assessment of microbial communities and biodegradation of chlorinated volatile organic compounds in wetlands at Cluster 13, Lauderick Creek area, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland / 2003
Proceedings : soil sampling for volatile organics, an overview of new approaches to eliminate volatilization and biodegradation, August 14, 1997, Philadelphia, PA. 1997
Proposed best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for K031, K084, K101, K102, characteristic arsenic wastes (D004), characteristic selenium wastes (D010), and P and U wastes containing arsenic and selenium listing constituents : volume 1 / 1989
Proposed best demonstrated available technology (BDAT). Volume 12, Background document for F006 (addendum) / 1989
Proposed best demonstrated available technology (BDAT). Volume 14, Background document for K011, K013, and K014 (addendum) / 1989
Proposed best demonstrated available technology (BDAT). Volume 15, Background document amendment for F002 (1,1,2-trichloroethane) and F005 (benzene 2-ethoxyethanol, and 2-nitropropane) / 1989
Proposed best demonstrated available technology (BDAT). Volume 17, Background document for P and U thallium wastes / 1989
Proposed best demonstrated available technology (BDAT). Volume 18, Background document for P119 and P120 / 1989
Proposed best demonstrated available technology (BDAT). Volume 19, Background document for barium wastes D005 and P013 / 1989
Proposed best demonstrated available technology (BDAT). Volume 2, Background document for characteristic ignitable wastes (D001), characteristic corrosive wastes (D002), characteristic reactive wastes (D003), and P and U wastes containing reactive listing constituents / 1989
Proposed best demonstrated available technology (BDAT). Volume 21, Background document for chromium wastes D007 and U032 / 1989
Proposed best demonstrated available technology (BDAT). Volume 22, Background document for D008 and P and U lead wastes / 1989
Proposed best demonstrated available technology (BDAT). Volume 24, Background document for halogenated aliphatic U-wastes / 1989
Proposed best demonstrated available technology (BDAT). Volume 25, Background document for polynuclear aromatic U-wastes / 1989
Proposed best demonstrated available technology (BDAT). Volume 26, Background document for aromatics and other hydrocarbon U-wastes (3rd 3rds) / 1989
Proposed best demonstrated available technology (BDAT). Volume 3, Background document for K015 (addendum) / 1989
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