Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Ordnance)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Alternatives to open burning/open detonation of energetic materials : a summary of current technologies / 1995
Breaking barriers to the use of innovative technologies : state regulatory role in unexploded ordnance detection and characterization technology selection / 2000
Communities and chemical warfare materiel disposal / 2007
Comparison of extraction techniques and solvents for explosive residues in soil 1985
Control technologies for defunct lead battery recycling sites : overview and recent developments / 1992
Depleted uranium technical brief / {electronic resource} : 2006
Development document for the proposed effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the metal products and machinery phase 1 point source catagory. 1995
Development of an Integrated Mobile Meterological Monitoring System for Use in Open Burning and Open Detonation Activities. 1996
Diffusion and drive-point sampling to detect ordnance-related compounds in shallow ground water beneath Snake Pond, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2001-02 2003
Draft baseline risk assessment, Weldon Spring Ordnance Works, Weldon Spring, Missouri / 1991
Economic impact analysis of proposed effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the metal products and machinery industry (phase 1) / 1995
Emission factors for dispsoal of energetic materials by open burning and open detonation (OB/OD) / 1998
Emission factors for the disposal of energetic materials by open burning and open detonation (OB/OD) 1998
Emission Factors for the Disposal of Energetic Materials by Open Burning and Open Detonation (OB/OD). 1998
EPA munitions response guidelines / 2010
EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Fort Ord. EPA ID: CA7210020676, Operable Unit 09, Marina, California, April 6, 2005. 2005
Explosive ordnance disposal service and unit operations. 1996
Financial management : DOD's liability for the disposal of conventional ammunition can be estimated : report to the Secretary of Defense / 1997
Gaseous emissions from excess air combustion of propellants and explosives / 1984
Geophysical prove-outs for munitions response projects / 2004
Handbook on the management of munitions response actions : interim final. 2005
Handbook on the management of ordnance and explosives at closed, transferring, and transferred ranges and other sites. 2002
Laboratory Observations of the Rise of Buoyant Thermals Created by Open Detonations. 1997
Military ordnance : cleanup activities at the former Raritan Arsenal : report to the Honorable Bernard J. Dwyer, House of Representatives / 1992
Military training : unexploded ordnance found in Lake Michigan : report to the Honorable F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., House of Representatives / 1992
Mobile Meteorological Monitoring System for Use in Open Burning and Open Detonation Activities. 1997
Models and Laboratory Experiments of Buoyant Puff Dispersion in a Convective Boundary Layer. 1997
Munitions response historical records review / 2003
Pilot-Scale Incineration of Ballistic Missile Liquid Propellant Components. 1995
Pollutant Emission Factors for a Transportable Detonation System for Destroying Unexploded Ordnance. 2001
Potential applicability of assembled chemical weapons assessment technologies to RCRA waste streams and contaminated media / 2000
Potential military chemical/biological agents and compounds. 2005
Progess in Developing an Open Burn/Open Detonation Dispersion Model. 1996
Progress in Developing an Open Burn/Open Detonation Dispersion Model. 1996
Recent experiments on buoyant plume in a laboratory convection tank / 1997
Review of field technologies for long-term monitoring of ordnance-related compounds in groundwater 2005
Selection of control technologies for remediation of lead battery recycling sites / 1991
Selection of control technologies for remediation of lead battery recycling sites. 1992
Seminar publication : seminar on technologies for remediating sites contaminated with explosive and radioactive wastes / 1993
Seminars : technologies for remediating sites contaminated with explosive and radioactive wastes. 1993
State-of-the-art study : demilitarization of conventional munitions / 1978
Superfund explanation of significant difference for the record of decision : Bangor Naval Submarine Base, Site A, Bangor, WA. 1995
Superfund explanation of significant difference for the record of decision : Bangor Naval Submarine Base, Site F, Bangor, WA. 1995
Superfund Record of Decision (EPA Region 10): Umatilla Army Depot (Lagoons), Operable Unit 6, Hermiston, OR., July 19, 1994. 1995
Superfund record of decision : Aberdeen Proving Ground (Edgewood Area) J-Field Soil O.U., Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. 1996
Superfund record of decision : Aberdeen Proving Ground (Edgewood Area) Watson Creek Sediment, O-Field OU, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. 1997
Superfund record of decision : Aberdeen Proving Ground, Carroll Island Edgewood Area Operable Unit A, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. 1996
Superfund record of decision : Bangor Naval Submarine Base (O.U.2) (Site F), Silverdale, WA. 1995
Superfund record of decision : Bangor Naval Submarine Base, Site D (Operable Unit 6), Silverdale, WA. 1995
Superfund record of decision : Cecil Field Naval Air Station, Operable Unit 1, Jacksonville, FL. 1995
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