Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Optical properties)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Fortran program for analysis of ellipsometer measurements and calculation of reflection coefficients from thin films / 1964
A mathematical model for the description of the optical properties of turbid water in terms of suspended particle size and concentration / 1968
Absorption and scattering of light by small particles / 2004
Aerosol characteristics and visibility / 1977
Aerosol research branch, annual report : FY 1976/76A / 1977
Aerosols and atmospheric optics : proceedings of the international specialty conference / 1900
Aerosols and atmospheric optics : radiative balance and visual air quality : proceedings of the international specialty conference / 1994
Aerosols and their climatic effects 1984
Annual Report on Establishment and Operation of the Eastern Fine Particle and Visibility Network. 1989
Application of a Bio-Optical Model to Determine Light Availability (PAR) at Water Depths Required to Reach the Tampa Bay Seagrass Restoration Goal, and at Current Depths of Deep Tampa Bay Seagrass Meadows. 2012
Assessing the requirements for sustained ocean color research and operations / 2011
Atmospheric Haze: A Review. 1970
Bio-Optics of the Chesapeake Bay from Measurements and Radiative Transfer Calculations. 2005
Chemistry, Physics, and Optical Properties of Plumes and Background Air in the Southwest United States. 1983
Citizen Lake-Monitoring Program : 2002 report on the transparency of Minnesota lakes. 2002
Compensation photometer for accurate measurements and registration of transparency of atmosphere / 1963
Composition of Aerosols Over Los Angeles Freeways. 1979
Denver air pollution study, 1973 : proceedings of a symposium, volume II / 1977
Design of a Water-Disposable Glass Packaging Container. Part I: Protective Oxide Coatings for Glasses by Chemical Vapor Deposition. Part II: Mechanical Properties of Water-Soluble Sodium Silicate Glasses. Par t III: The Rate of Dissolution of Sodium Silicate Glasses in Aqueous Solutions. 1971
Determination of particle size and concentration from photometer and Secchi disc measurements / 1968
Dispersion of sewage sludge discharged into New York Bight : physical oceanographic data and laboratory analyses - 1975 / 1978
Effect of Herbicides, Pesticides, and Fertilizers on the Optical Properties of Water. 1971
Effects of suspended sediments on penetration of solar radiation into natural waters : final report / 1983
Establishment of an Eastern Visibility Fine Particle Network. 1987
Geophysics: Elementary Absorption of Light Passing Through Clouds. 1940
Guidelines for development of a quality assurance program : volume IX - visual determination of opacity emissions from stationary sources / 1975
Haze Over Eastern North America. Part 1. Haze Properties. 1985
In-situ Aerodynamic Sizing of Aerosol Particles with the Spart Analyzer. 1982
Influence of Floral Optical Properties on the Ultraviolet Radiation Environment of Pollen. 1983
Internal Filters: Prospects for UV-Acclimation in Higher Plants. 1983
Introduction to X-ray powder diffractometry 1996
Lake Water Quality Assessment Program, 1992. Northeastern Illinois Lakes. 1993
Leaf UV Optical Properties of 'Rumex patientia' L. and 'Rumex obtusifolius L. in Regard to a Protective Mechanism against Solar UV-B Radiation Injury. 1987
Light and water : radiative transfer in natural waters / 1994
Light scattering by irregularly shaped particles 1980
Measurement of the absorption coefficient of hydrosols / 1968
Measurement of the opacity and mass concentration of particulate emissions by transmissometry / 1974
Methodology and instrumentation to measure gaseous ammonia / 1977
Mineralogy and Morphology of Amphiboles Observed in Soils and Rocks in El Dorado Hills, California. 2006
Opacity and Mass Emission Relationship in Forging Areas of Large Caliber Metal Parts Facilities, 1981
Optical and Electrical Properties of Doped Poly-3-Octylthiophene Films. 1995
Optical Heterogeneity in Green Bay. 1987
Optical properties and remote sensing of inland and coastal waters 1995
Optical properties and visual effects of smoke-stack plumes : a cooperative study : Edison Electric Institute and U.S. Public Health Service / 1972
Optical properties and visual effects of smoke-stack plumes : a cooperative study: Edison Electric Institute and U.S. Public Health Service / 1967
Optical properties and visual effects of smoke-stack plumes; a cooperative study: Edison Electric Institute and U.S. Public Health Service 1967
Origin, Effects and Control of Turbidity in an Urban Recreational Lake. 1973
PC-Based MIE Scattering Program for Theoretical Investigations of the Optical Properties of Atmospheric Aerosols as a Function of Composition and Relative Humidity. 1994
Photoacoustic Determination of Optical Properties of Aerosol Particles Collected on Filters: Development of a Method Taking into Account Substrate Reflectivity. 1982
Photographic Method for Visibility Monitoring. 1989
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