Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 24
Showing: Items 1 - 24
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Optical measurement)

Select Item Title Year Published
A diffraction technique to measure size distribution of large airborne particles / 1976
A review of standards of performance for new stationary sources incinerators / 1979
Applicability of transmissometers to opacity measurement of emissions : oil-fired power and portland cement plants / 1979
Bio-Optics of the Chesapeake Bay from Measurements and Radiative Transfer Calculations. 2005
Brake Emissions: Emission Measurements from Brake and Clutch Linings from Selected Mobile Sources. 1973
Calcium sulfite crystal sizing studies / 1979
Canopy Reflectance of Soybean as Affected by Chronic Doses of Ozone in Open-Top Field Chambers. 1988
Chemical, Aerosol and Optical Measurements in the Plumes of Three Midwestern Coal-Fired Power Plants. 1985
Comparative study of plume opacity measurement methods / 1979
Cross-stack optical convolution velocimeter : development and evaluation of a breadboard design / 1979
Evaluation of restorative maintenance and catalyst replacement on exhaust emissions from eight very high mileage passenger cars in St. Louis / 1979
Instrumentation for monitoring the opacity of particulate emissions containing condensed water / 1977
Intercomparison of Optical Remote Sensing Systems for Roadside Measurements of Nitric Oxide. 1999
Kilometer Pathlength Fourier-Transform Infrared System for the Study of Trace Pollutants in Ambient and Synthetic Atmospheres. 1978
Optical measurements of smoke particle size generated by electric arcs / 1974
Optical Remote Measurement of Toxic Gases. 1992
Photometric Determination of Leaf Input into Tropical Streams. 1981
Proceedings of Conference on Environmental Quality Sensors (2nd) Held at National Environmental Research Center, Las Vegas, Nevada on October 10-11, 1973. 1976
Report on the problem of halogenated air pollutants and stratospheric ozone / 1975
Study of Horizontal Visibility, Atmospheric Vertical Optical Properties and Solar Isolation at Stanton, North Dakota. 1977
Tcnicas para calcular emisiones de categorias de fuentes unicas en su genero en Mexicali, Mexico / 1999
Telephotometric Study of Baseline Visual Range at Cedar Mountain, Utah, July 7 to August 6, 1978. 1979
Totally Optical Technique for Monitoring Ambient Non-Methane Hydrocarbons. 1984
Visibility monitoring guidance 1999

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