Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Alaska village demonstration projects"; report to Congress. 1973
2003 National Clean Water Act Recognition Awards Ceremony 2003
2005 National Clean Water Act Recognition Awards Ceremony 2005
3-year quality assurance report for calendar years 2005, 2006, and 2007 : the SLAMS PM2.5 ambient air monitoring program 2009
40 CFR Part 35 Subpart O, Cooperative Agreements and Superfund State Contracts for Superfund Response Actions. 1989
A compendium of superfund field operations methods. 1987
A Compendium of Superfund field operations methods. 1988
A fighting force : African-Americans in the military / 2008
A framework for real-time decision-making : New Bedford harbor pilot dredging study / 1989
A guide for the evaluation of atmospheric analyzers / 1973
A Guide on remedial actions at Superfund sites with PCB contamination. 1990
A guide to preparing Superfund proposed plans, records of decision, and other remedy selection decision documents. 1999
A guide to pump and treat ground-water remediation technology. 1990
A matrix approach to biological investigation of synthetic fuels : proceedings of a conference cosponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Oak Ridge National Laboratory through the EPA/DOE Fossil Fuels Research Materials Facility, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, April 26, 1979. 1981
A regional assessment of the economic and environmental benefits of an irrigation scheduling service / 1980
A regulatory strategy for siting and operating waste transfer stations : a response to a recurring environmental justice circumstance : the siting of waste transfer stations in low-income communities and communities of color / 2000
A study to determine the feasibility of using a ground-penetrating radar for more effective remediation of subsurface contamination / 1992
Abstract proceedings : forum on innovative hazardous waste treatment technologies : domestic and international : Atlanta, Georgia, June 19-21, 1989. 1989
Abstracts of remediation case studies / 1995
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 2 / 1997
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 3 / 1998
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 4 / 2000
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 5 / 2001
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 7 / 2003
Abstracts of Remediation Case Studies. Volume 6. 2004
Accutech pneumatic fracturing extraction and hot gas injection, phase I. 1993
Achieving a Transmission Electron Microscopy Clearance Criterion at Asbestos Abatement Sites in New Jersey. 1988
Achieving the Chesapeake Bay nutrient goals : a synthesis of tributary strategies for the Bay's ten watersheds. 1994
Activities of the EPA model clearinghouse : a summary report : FY81 - FY85. 1986
Actual and recommended maintenance practice for light-duty vehicles for 1975 and later model years / 1975
Advances in Hazardous Waste Site Alluvial Sampling. 1991
Aeration to Remove Volatile Organic Compounds from Ground Water. 1984
AEROS manual series, volume III : summary and retrieval, update number 1. 1977
AEROS Manual Series. Volume III: Summary and Retrieval Manual. Update Number 2. 1979
Affordability of Major Wastewater Systems Improvements for Small Montana Communities. 1990
Air emissions and control technology for leather tanning and finishing operations / 1993
Air emissions from the treatment of soils contaminated with petroleum fuels and other substances : final report / 1992
Air mobile wastewater reclamation unit 200 hour service test / 1975
Air/superfund national technical guidance study series : estimation of air impacts for air stripping of contaminated water / 1991
Alkaline noncyanide zinc plating with reuse of recovered chemicals : project summary / 1994
Alternative Sewer Studies. 1985
Alternative Treatment Technology Evaluations of CERCLA (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act) Soils and Debris. 1988
Alternatives for Small Wastewater Treatment Systems. 2. Pressure Sewers/Vacuum Sewers 1977
Aluminum, Copper, and Nonferrous Metals Forming and Metal Powders Pretreatment Standards: A Guidance Manual. 1989
Ammonia Emission Factors from Swine Finishing Operations. 2001
Amoco-U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Pollution Prevention Project, Yorktown, Virginia: Pollution Prevention Workshop. 1991
An Analysis of state Superfund programs : 50-state study, 1990 update. 1990
An evaluation of strategies for airport air pollution control / 1975
An introduction to probability theory and its applications / 1968
An overview of sediment quality in the United States : final report / 1987
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