Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Operating procedures)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Archive operations and protocols. 1997
Collection of Pyrethroids in Water and Sediment Matrices: Development and Validation of a Standard Operation Procedure. 2009
Comprehensive Nonpoint Source Field Study for Sediment, Nutrients, and Pathogens in the South Fork Broad River Watershed in Northeast Georgia. 2004
Development document for final effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the landfills point source category. 2000
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the industrial waste combustor subcategory of the waste combustors point source category. 1998
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the landfills point source category. 1998
Development document for the proposed effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the metal products and machinery phase 1 point source catagory. 1995
Diagnostico y tratamiento de los envenenamientos con plaguicidas / 1995
Ecological Assessment Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Assurance Manual, January 2002. 2002
Emergency teams in federal disaster operations / 1999
Emissions test method 29 : determination of metals emissions from stationary sources (1994 proposal). 1994
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program methods format guidance / 1995
Environmental monitoring and assessment program overview : methods format guidance. 1995
Guidelines for producing superfund documents. 1987
Hazmat team planning guidance. 1990
Health effects division : standard evaluation procedure analytical method (s) / 1989
High Capacity Fossil Fuel Fired Plant Operator Training Program. Student Handbook. 1994
Interagency QA Workshop Conference Review. Held in Las Vegas, Nevada on September 14, 1992. 1993
Interim Guidance for Developing Global Positioning System Data Collection Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Assurance Project Plans. Revision 1.0. 2008
Investigation of Waste Rag Generation at Naval Station Mayport. 1995
Laboratory data validation : functional guidelines for evaluating inorganics analyses / 1994
Laboratory data validation : functional guidelines for evaluating inorganics analyses / 1988
Laboratory data validation : functional guidelines for evaluating organics analyses / 1994
Laboratory data validation functional guidelines for evaluating inorganics analyses / 1994
Managing and Minimizing Hazardous Waste Metal Sludges: North Carolina Case Studies, Services, and Regulations. 1984
Manual for the evaluation of laboratories performing aquatic toxicity tests / 1990
Manual for the evaluation of laboratories performing aquatic toxicity tests / 1991
Maryland Biological Stream Survey. Laboratory Methods for Benthic Macroinvertebrate Proceesing and Taxonomy. 2000
Minimization of Hazardous-Waste Generation. 1987
National remedy review board : progress report: fiscal year 1996. 1997
National Remedy Review Board. Progress Report: Fiscal Year 1997. 1998
Office of Water Methods and Guidance, Version 2.0 - Suite. 2002
Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment of the United States Army Corps of Engineers Garrison Dam Hydroelectric Powerplant, Riverdale, North Dakota. 1995
Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment United States Naval Base Norfolk Naval Air Station. 1995
Procedures to ensure that CLP laboratories are not paid for non-compliant of unuseable data. 1993
Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Spectrum Control Incorporated (Formerly AMP-Elizabethtown) 2005
Report on Oral LD50 in Rats. 1978
Review of surface coal mining emission factors. 1991
Screening of Candidate Species for Development of Standard Operating Procedures for Aquatic Toxicity Testing with Resident Chesapeake Bay Biota. 1994
Selected Office of Water Methods and Guidance, Version 2 (on CD-ROM with search and retrieval software). 2001
Selected Office of Water Methods and Guidance, Version 2, and Guidance for the Analysis of Water (on CD-ROM with search & retrieval software). 2002
Source Reduction Opportunities in the Plating Industry. 1995
Stagnation time, composition, pH, and orthophosphate effects on metal leaching from brass / 1996
Standard operating procedure for field analysis of lead in paint, bulk dust, and soil by ultrasonic, acid digestion and colorimetric measurement / 1993
Standard operating procedure for preparation of method evaluation materials for lead in paint / 1994
Standard operating procedure for preparation of method evaluation matierals for lead paint 1994
Standard Operating Procedure for the Field Analysis of Lead in Dust Collected by Vacuum and on Wipes by Ultrasonic, Acid Digestion, and Colorimetric Measurement. 1998
Standard Operating Procedure for the Laboratory Analysis of Lead in Paint, Bulk Dust, and Soil by Ultrasonic, Acid Digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometric Measurement. 1997
Standard Operating Procedure for the Preparation of Lead-Containing Paint Films and Lead-in-Paint Diagnostic Test Materials. 2009
Standard Operating Procedure for the Preparation of Spiked Sorbent Samples Using Flash Evaporation onto XAD-2. 1996
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