Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
129I in animal thyroids from Nevada and other western States / 1977
131I dairy cow uptake studies using a synthetic dry aerosol / 1966
131I transport through the air-forage-cow-milk system using an aerosol mist (Project Rainout) / 1971
"Enforcement FIrst" to ensure effective institutional controls at Superfund sites 2006
"EPA superfund risk assessment - how you can help" : revised. 1999
"No migration" variances to the hazardous waste land disposal prohibitions : a guidance manual for petitioners. 1990
"No migration" variances to the hazardous waste land disposal prohibitions a guidance manual for petitioners : draft / 1992
'Cutting-edge' techniques proposed for Nease cleanup / 2005
10 year accomplishments report : State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners. 2008
129 I in an animal thyroids from Nevada and other western States / 1977
13th Annual OSC Readiness Training Program : Response Contracts Basics. 2010
13th Annual OSC Readiness Training Program : Simple Steps to Better Presentations or "Check my rear end, I think he bored it off". 2010
1978 Atlantic 3800-meter radioactive waste disposal site survey : sedimentary, micromorphologic and geophysical analyses / 1983
1988 nonmethane organic compound monitoring program : final report / 1988
1989 nonmethane organic compound monitoring program and three-hour air toxics monitoring program / 1990
1989 urban air toxics monitoring program / 1990
1989 urban air toxics monitoring program : aldehyde results / 1991
1995 study of operation and maintenance costs / 1995
1999 national meeting of the National Association of Remedial Project Managers : proceedings [August 2-6, 1999, Chicago, Illinois] / 1999
2001 New England brownfields program summary & success stories. 2001
2003 New England brownfields program summary & success stories. 2003
2003 nuts and bolts of Brownfields redevelopment 2003
2004/New England program summary & success stories. 2004
2005 New England brownfields program summary & success stories. 2005
25th anniversary of Superfund : America's safety net in crisis : American taxpayers shoulder the burden as polluter pays fees eliminated / 2005
A blueprint for brownfield redevelopment : innovative strategies, practical solutions / 1998
A case study of hazardous wastes in Class I landfills / 1978
A citizen's guide to activated carbon treatment. 2012
A citizen's guide to activated carbon treatment. 2001
A citizen's guide to air stripping. 2001
A citizen's guide to air stripping. 2012
A citizen's guide to bioremediation. 2012
A citizen's guide to bioremediation. 2001
A citizen's guide to bioremediation. 1996
A Citizen's guide to bioventing. 1992
A citizen's guide to capping. 2012
A citizen's guide to capping. 2001
A citizen's guide to chemical dehalogenation. 2001
A citizen's guide to chemical dehalogenation. 1996
A citizen's guide to drycleaner cleanup / 2011
A citizen's guide to ecological revitalization. 2012
A citizen's guide to excavation of contaminated soil. 2012
A citizen's guide to fracturing for site cleanup. 2012
A Citizen's guide to glycolate dehalogenation. 1992
A citizen's guide to greener cleanups. 2012
A Citizen's guide to how innovative technologies are being successfully applied at Superfund sites. 1992
A citizen's guide to in situ chemical oxidation. 2012
A citizen's guide to in situ chemical reduction. 2012
A citizen's guide to in situ soil flushing. 1992
A citizen's guide to in situ soil flushing. 1992
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