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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Oil shales)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1976 Energy Fact Book. 1975
A preliminary assessment of the environmental impacts from oil shale developments / 1977
A summary of oil shale activities at the National Bureau of Standards, 1975-1979 / 1980
Alternative sources of water for prototype oil shale development, Colorado and Utah / 1974
An Assessment of oil shale technologies. 1980
Analysis of Oil Shale Wastes: A Review. 1981
Aquatic ecosystem effects of process waters produced by synthetic fuel technologies / 1983
Assessment of solid waste characteristics and control technology for oil shale retorting / 1986
Atmospheric Chemistry of Hydrocarbon Fuels. Volume I. Experiments, Results, and Discussion. 1981
Bronco oil shale study a study of the feasibility of fracturing oil shale with nuclear exlosions, the extraction of oil by in situ retorting, and the design of an experiment to test this concept / 1967
Bureau of Mines energy program, 1972, 1973
Carcinogenic properties of oil shale products and the possibilities of prophylaxsi of cancer. 1972
Characterization of contaminants in oil shale residuals and the potential for their management to meet environmental quality standards / prepared by the program staff under the direction of Dr. Josef J. Schmidt-Collerus, principal investigator. 1984
Characterization of oil shale mine waters, central Piceance Basin, Colorado / 1984
Characterization of oil shale mine waters, central Piceance Basin, Colorado / 1984
Characterization of two core holes from the Naval Oil Shale Reserve Number 1 / 1981
Chemical and geochemical aspects of fossil energy extraction 1983
Combustion of oil shale in fluidized-bed combustors--an overview / 1982
Combustion of oil shale in fluidized-bed combustors--an overview : final report / 1982
Control of environmental impacts from advanced energy sources / 1974
Control of sulfur emissions from oil shale retorting using spent shale absorption / 1986
Control technology for shale oil recovery processes 1978
Dual-porosity model for simulating solute transport in oil shale 1987
Effects of cadmium on streams and irrigated agriculture in the presence and absence of oil shale leachate 1983
Effects of oil shale leachate on phytoplankton productivity 1979
Energy from oil shale : technical, environmental, economic, legislative, and policy aspects of an undeveloped energy source. Report 1973
Environmental characterization of Geokinetics' in situ oil shale retorting technology / 1981
Environmental characterization of geokinetics' in-situ oil shale retorting technology / 1981
Environmental characterization of geokinetics' in-situ oil shale retorting technology : field and analytical data appendices / 1981
Environmental fate and effects of shale-derived jet fuel / 1988
Environmental inventory, analysis, and impact study : Piceance Creek Basin, Rio Blanco and Garfield Counties, Colorado / prepared for the state of Colorado by Hubert D. Burke and Evan C. Vlachos. 1974
EPA oil shale research activities / 1985
Evaluation of mutagenicity testing of extracts from processed oil shale 1980
Field Studies on USBM and TOSCO II Retorted Oil Shales: Vegetation, Moisture, Salinity, and Runoff, 1977-1980. 1981
Field testing to determine the presence or absence of sulfur dioxide emissions from old in situ oil shale field-sites / 1980
Fourteenth Oil Shale Symposium proceedings 1981
Geochemical variation in soils in the Piceance Creek basin, western Colorado : a geochemical baseline study of the composition of soils in a major oil-shale area / 1980
Ground water : mineralogy relationship for in situ oil shale retorting / 1984
Groundwater quality monitoring recommendations for in situ oil shale development / 1983
Impact of coal and oil shale products on gasoline composition, 1976-2000 : task one : final report / 1976
Impacts of synthetic liquid fuel development : automotive market, volume I, summary / 1976
In situ retorting of oil shale: results of two field experiments, 1973
Infiltration and permeability testing at Geokinetics oil shale site / 1984
Leaching and selected hydraulic properties of processed oil shales / 1984
Legal and administrative obstacles to extracting other minerals from oil shale : report to the Congress 1979
List of Bureau of Mines publications on oil shale and shale oil, 1917-68. 1969
Macroinvertebrate inventories of the White River, Colorado and Utah : significance of annual, seasonal, and spatial variation in the design of biomonitoring networks for pollution detection / 1984
Macroinvertebrate inventories of the White River, Colorado and Utah : significance of annual, seasonal, and spatial variation in the design of biomonitoring networks for pollution detection / 1984
Mechanical properties of oil shale and overlying strata, Naval Oil Shale Reserve, Anvil Points, Colo. / 1982
Mercury mass distribution during laboratory and simulated in-situ oil shale retorting / 1984
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