Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 3780
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Oil)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Torrey Canyon" pollution and marine life: a report by the Plymouth Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 1968
14-day Dermal Application Study in New Zealand White Rabbits with the Epon Resin 9102 (wtp-340) with Cover Letter dated 103086. 2000
1973 national emissions data systems (NEDS) fuel use report / 1976
1974 national emissions data systems (NEDS) fuel use report 1978
1975 Conference on Prevention and Control of Oil Pollution, March 25-27, 1975 San Francisco, California : proceedings / 1976
1975 national emissions data systems (NEDS) fuel use report / 1978
1976 Energy Fact Book. 1975
1976 national emissions data systems (NEDS) fuel use report / 1979
1977 national emissions data systems (NEDS) fuel use report / 1980
1979 research review : Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina / 1980
1982 Hazardous Material Spills Conference proceedings : April 19-22, 1982, Milwaukee, Wisconsin / 1982
1986 Hazardous Material Spills Conference proceedings : preparedness, prevention, control, and cleanup of releases, May 5-8, 1986, St. Louis, Missouri / 1986
1990-91 Annual Report State of Utah Department of Natural Resources 1991
1993 final work plan : Exxon Valdez oil spill restoration / 1993
1994 brief project descriptions of approved projects 1994
1995 status report 1995
1997 Revision of the Land and Resource Management Plan, Plan Appendices, Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland 1997
1997 Revision of the Land and Resource Management Plan, Record of Decision, Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland 1997
2 Year Cutaneous Carcinogenicity Study with Oil Additive Sap O11 and Its Carrier Oil in Female Mice with Cover Letter dated 031687. 1987
2000 status report : SEA, NVP, APEX, GEM ecosystem research / 2000
2010 Gulf Coast oil disaster: litigation and liability. 2010
3000-hour endurance test of the diesel prime mover for ADAPTS. 1972
40 Cfr Part 300: National Oil And Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; Final Rule. 1990
8(a) TAT-zone II : technical assistance team, regions V through X. 1993
90-day Dermal Application Study in Rats with Epon Resin 1001-b-80 with Cover Letter dated 103086. 2000
90-day Dermal Toxicity Study in Rats of Simulated Cutting Fluid Containing Para-tert-butyl Benzoic Acid with Cover Letter dated 071186. 1986
A bibliography on marine and estuarine oil pollution : supplement 3 / 1979
A catalogue of oil spill containment barriers / 1986
A citizen's guide to phytoremediation : technology fact sheet / 1998
A citizen's guide to using indigenous and exogenous microorganisms in bioremediation. 1992
A comparison of the effect of application of crude petroleum to marsh plants and to oysters. 1950
A comparison of the MESA-Puget Sound oil spill model with wind and current observations from August 1978 / 1980
A computerized pelagic seabird atlas for Alaska / 2000
A critical review of toxicity values and evaluation of the persistence of petroleum products for use in natural resource damage assessments / 1993
A crystal microbalance for determination of oil in water / 1973
A feasibility analysis of incinerator systems for restoration of oil contaminated beaches / 1970
A feasibility demonstration of an aerial surveillance spill prevention system / 1972
A field dispersant effectiveness test / 1987
A field dispersant effectiveness test / 1987
A free floating endless belt oil skimmer / 1972
A Land Out of Time 2006
A Listing of Proposed, Planned or Under Construction Energy Projects in Fedearl Region VIII, a Joint Report 1975
A manual for conducting natural resource damage assessment : the role of economics / 1995
A manual of analytical methods for wastewaters, Oil shale retort waters / 1984
A matrix approach to biological investigation of synthetic fuels : proceedings of a conference cosponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Oak Ridge National Laboratory through the EPA/DOE Fossil Fuels Research Materials Facility, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, April 26, 1979. 1981
A method for ranking biological habitats in oil spill response planning and impact assessment / 1984
A method for the separation of oil from an aqueous oil-detergent solution prior to IR analysis. Part II. 1974
A multiparameter oil pollution source identification system / 1973
A numerical model for simulation of oil spreading and transport and its application for predicting oil slick movements in bays / 1974
A numerical model of droplet entrainment from a contained oil slick / 1974
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