Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 19
Showing: Items 1 - 19
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Oil wells Hydraulic fracturing)

Select Item Title Year Published
Design and appraisal of hydraulic fractures / 2009
Frac packing handbook. 2009
Fractures and stresses in Bone Spring sandstones : final report / 1992
Handbook of hydraulic fracturing / 2016
Hydraulic fracture mechanics / 1995
Hydraulic fracturing chemicals and fluids technology / 2013
Hydraulic fracturing chemicals and fluids technology [electronic resource] / 2013
Hydraulic fracturing explained : evaluation, implementation and challenges / 2013
Hydraulic fracturing impacts and technologies : a multidisciplinary perspective / 2016
Hydraulic fracturing impacts and technologies : a multidisciplinary perspective / 2015
Hydraulic fracturing impacts and technologies : a multidisciplinary perspective / 2016
Hydrofracking / 2014
Hydrofracking what everyone needs to know(R) / [Texte imprime] : 2014
Mechanics of hydraulic fracturing / 1997
Mechanics of hydraulic fracturing / 2015
Numerical model of massive hydraulic fracture : second annual report, September 1981-August 1982 / 1983
Onshore unconventional hydrocarbon development : induced seismicity and innovations in managing risk-day 2 : proceedings of a workshop / 2018
Reservoir stimulation / 2000
The boom : how fracking ignited the American energy revolution and changed the world / 2014

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