Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Oil pollution of rivers harbors etc)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Torrey Canyon" pollution and marine life: a report by the Plymouth Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 1968
1975 Conference on Prevention and Control of Oil Pollution, March 25-27, 1975 San Francisco, California : proceedings / 1976
3000-hour endurance test of the diesel prime mover for ADAPTS. 1972
40 Cfr Part 300: National Oil And Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; Final Rule. 1990
A bibliography on marine and estuarine oil pollution : supplement 3 / 1979
A catalogue of oil spill containment barriers / 1986
A comparison of the effect of application of crude petroleum to marsh plants and to oysters. 1950
A feasibility analysis of incinerator systems for restoration of oil contaminated beaches / 1970
A feasibility demonstration of an aerial surveillance spill prevention system / 1972
A free floating endless belt oil skimmer / 1972
A numerical model for simulation of oil spreading and transport and its application for predicting oil slick movements in bays / 1974
A rapidly deployable oil containment boom for emergency harbor use / 1973
A report on three experiments to study the effect of oil bleedwater on oysters under aquarium conditions. 1950
A review of oil polluting incidents in and around New England / 1977
A small oil spill at West Falmouth / 1979
A small vacuum oil skimming system / 1973
A study of oil source identification techniques / 1972
A study of the environmental benefits of proposed BATEA and NSPS effluent limitations for the offshore segment of the oil and gas extraction point source category / 1977
A synopsis of fate and effect studies of the Shell oil spill, platform B, block 26, South Timbalier Bay : executive summary. January, 1972. 1972
Abstracts : 1995 International Oil Spill Conference : (achieving and maintaining preparedness) : February 27-March 2, 1995, Long Beach, California / 1995
Acute toxicity and uptake-depuration studies with Cook Inlet crude oil, Prudhoe Bay crude oil, no. 2 fuel oil and several subarctic marine organisms 1976
Aerial spill prevention surveillance during sub-optimum weather / 1973
Aerobic and anaerobic oxidation of crude oils by microorganisms from Louisiana bay-bottom muds, 1950
Air modulated vacuum oil recovery collection of spilled oil (foams) / 1972
Alaska region oil and hazardous substances pollution contingency plan. 1986
An analysis of oil outflows due to tanker accidents, 1971-72. 1973
An annotated bibliography on petroleum pollution / 2007
An Introduction to EPA New England's oil program / 2006
An Introduction to EPA New England's oil program / 2007
An oil recovery system utilizing polyurethane foam : a feasibility study / 1973
An Oil Slick Sampling System. 1974
Analysis of lightweight oil containment system sea trials / 1973
Assessing the social impacts of oil spills; background papers and conference proceedings of an invitational symposium, September 25-28, 1973, Rensselaerville, New York. 1974
Assessment and significance of sediment-associated oil and grease in aquatic environments : final report / 1977
Assessment of biodegradation potential for controlling oil spills on the high seas / 1972
Assessment of water quality in Crystal Creek, Montgomery County, Texas 1997
At-sea testing of a high seas oil recovery system : final report / 1974
Bay on borrowed time : transportation and handling of oil and other hazardous materials on Chesapeake Bay waters : staff report / 1977
Biological effects of oil pollution : selected bibliography II / 1972
Biological effects of oil pollution--bibliography; a collection of references concerning the effects of oil on biological systems, 1969
Biological effects of oil pollution: bibliography. A collection of references concerning the effects of oil on biological systems, 1969
Biological response to oil in the marine environment; a review, 1971
Blowout at platform A the crisis that awakened a nation. 1971
Canadian Great Lakes coastal environments and the cleanup of oil spills / 1979
Characteristics of spilled oils, fuels, and petroleum products : 1. composition and properties of selected oils / 2003
Characteristics of spilled oils, fuels, and petroleum products : 2a. dispersant effectiveness data for a suite of environmental conditions : the effects of temperature, volatilization, and energy / 2004
Characteristics of the areas in which fast current oil control is needed / 1973
Chemical additives for improvement of oil spill control / 1974
Chemical additives to control oil spills : a state of the art summary / 1974
Cleaning oil contaminated beaches with chemicals : a study of the effects of cleaning oil contaminated beaches with chemical dispersants. 1969
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