Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 20
Showing: Items 1 - 20
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Oil pollution containment)

Select Item Title Year Published
A rapidly deployable oil containment boom for emergency harbor use / 1973
Boom configuration tests for calm-water, medium-current oil spill diversion / 1978
Deployment configurations for improved oil containment with selected sorbent boom's 1981
Design, fabrication and testing of the Air-Jet oil boom / 1979
Evaluation of a Pneumatic Barrier for Oil Containment. 1976
GIS Mapping of Boom Locations and Other Information Needed for Tampa Bay Oil Spill Contingency Plan. 1996
Innovative technology verification report : field measurement technologies for total petroleum hydrocarbons in soil. Horiba Instruments Incorporated, OCMA-350 oil content analyzer / 2001
Oil Pollution Control (An Oversimplified Explanation). 1972
Oil pollution reports : volume 5, number 2 (February 1978 - May 1978) / 1978
Oil Spill Containment Systems. 1970
Oil Spills Control Manual for Fire Departments. 1973
Performance Tests of High Speed ZRV Oil Skimmer. 1980
Petroleum Systems Reliability Analysis. Volume I. Engineering Report, A Program for Prevention of Oil Spills Using an Engineering Approach to a Study of Offshore and Onshore Crude Oil Petroleum Systems. 1973
Shore Termination for Oil Spill Booms. 1973
Statistical Assessment: Measurement Methods for Estimating Performance of Dispersants. 1993
Statistical Assessment: Two Laboratory Tests for Estimating Performance of Shoreline Cleaning Agents for Oil Spills. 1993
Surface treatment agents for protection of shorelines from oil spills / 1984
Test and Evaluation of Six Fire Resistant Booms at Ohmsett. 1997
Tests of the shell SOCK skimmer aboard USNS Powhatan 1981
Use of Fire Streams to Control Floating Oil. 1973

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