Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Oil burners)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A study of air pollutant emissions from residential heating systems / 1974
Analysis of emissions from residential oil furnaces / 1992
Chemical analysis of waste crankcase oil combustion samples : project summary / 1983
Chemical analysis of waste crankcase oil combustion samples {MICROFICHE} 1983
Combustion efficiency optimization manual for operators of oil- and gas-fired boilers / 1983
Combustion modification controls for residential and commercial heating systems / 1981
Combustion Modification Controls for Residential and Commercial Heating Systems. Volume II: Oil-Fired Residential Furnace Field Test. 1981
Commercial feasibility of an optimum residential oil burner head / 1976
Comparison of Air Pollutant Emissions from Vaporizing and Air Atomizing Waste Oil Heaters. 1983
Control of particulate matter from oil burners and boilers / 1976
Description and analysis of inspection / maintenance programs for oil-fired heating systems in Switzerland and West Germany / 1982
Design of an optimum distillate oil burner for control of pollutant emissions / 1974
Design, Construction, and Preliminary Combustion Trials of a Rig to Evaluate Residual Fuel-Oil/Water Emulsions. 1970
Determination of particulate emission factors for boilers and incinerators, Bronx and Manhattan / 1974
Effects of fuel additives on air pollutant emissions from distillate-oil-fired furnaces / 1971
Emissions assessment of conventional stationary combustion systems. 1979
Environmental assessment of a crude-oil heater using staged air lances for NOx reduction / 1984
Environmental assessment of a crude-oil heater using staged air lances for NOx reduction / 1984
Environmental assessment of a firetube boiler firing coal/oil/water mixtures / 1984
Environmental assessment of a firetube boiler firing coal/oil/water mixtures / 1984
Environmental assessment of a firetube boiler firing coal/oil/water mixtures : Volume 1. Technical results / 1984
Environmental assessment of a firetube boiler firing coal/oil/water mixtures : Volume 2. Data supplement / 1984
Environmental assessment of an enhanced oil recovery steam generator equipped with an EPA heavy oil low-NOx burner / 1986
Environmental assessment of an enhanced oil recovery steam generator equipped with an EPA heavy oil low-NOx burner / 1986
Feasibility of a heat and emission loss prevention system for area source furnaces / 1976
Fuel oil additives for controlling air contaminant emissions / 1967
Furnace operations, 1973
Guidelines for burner adjustments of commercial oil-fired boilers : oil-burner adjustment procedures to minimize air pollution and to achieve efficient use of fuel / 1976
Guidelines for industrial boiler performance improvement : boiler adjustment procedures to minimize air pollution and to achieve efficient use of fuel / 1977
Guidelines for residential oil-burner adjustments : oil-burner adjustment procedures to minimize air pollution and to achieve efficient use of fuel / 1975
Investigation of particulate emissions from oil-fired residential heating units / 1974
Laser Holography Study of Oil-Fired Burner Combustion. 1971
Low emission burners for automotive Rankine cycle engines / 1973
NOx abatement for stationary sources in Japan / 1976
Package boiler flame modifications for reducing nitric oxide emissions : phase II of III / 1974
Particulate emission control systems for oil-fired boilers / 1974
Performance control strategies for oil-fired domestic heating systems report for fiscal year 1987 / 1987
Preparation and Firing of Emulsions of No. 2 Fuel Oil and Water. 1968
Proceedings of the Stationary Source Combustion Symposium / 1976
Residential oil furnace system optimization : phase 1 / 1976
Residential oil furnace system optimization : phase 2 / 1977
Residual Fuel Oil-Water Emulsions. 1970
Review of atomization and soot formation for advanced residential oil burner systems 1987
Screening study to obtain information necessary for the development of standards of performance for oil-fired and natural gas-fired boilers <63 x 106 Kcal/hr input (<250 x 106 Btu/hr Input) : final report / 1976
State of the Art for Controlling NOx Emissions, Part I. Utility Boilers. 1972
Study of a thermal aerosol oil burner / 1977
Systematic field study of NOx emission control methods for utility boilers / 1971
The establishment of design criteria for optimum burners for application to heavy fuel fired package boilers / 1987
The establishment of design criteria for optimum burners for application to heavy fuel fired package boilers Volume 1. Laboratory scale tests / 1986
The establishment of design criteria for optimum burners for application to heavy fuel fired package boilers Volume 2. pilot scale tests / 1986
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