Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Ohio River)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Quality of surface waters of the United States, 1967 Ohio River basin and St. Lawrence River basin / 1971
Quality of surface waters of the United States, 1968 Ohio River Basin / 1973
Quality of surface waters of the United States, 1969 Ohio River Basin / 1974
Quality of surface waters of the United States, 1970. Part 3, Ohio River Basin / 1975
Quantitative Studies of Bacterial Pollution and Natural Purification in the Ohio and Illinois Rivers. 1925
Radionuclide and metal ion content of late summer Ohio River sediments : Mc Alpine pool 1976 1977
Rainfall intensity-frequency regime / 1957
Recommendations for water pollution control : Alexanders Run watershed, Brooke County, West Virginia. 1967
Recommendations for water pollution control : Big Ditch Run, Webster County, West Virginia. 1967
Recommendations for water pollution control : East River watershed, Mercer County, West Virginia and Giles County, Virginia. 1967
Recommendations for water pollution control : Kings Creek watershed, Hancock County, West Virginia and Washington, Pennsylvania. 1970
Recommendations for water pollution control : Laurel Creek watershed, Fayette County, West Virginia. 1967
Recommendations for water pollution control : Middle Grave Creek watershed, Marshall County, West Virginia. 1967
Recommendations for water pollution control : Peters Run watershed, Ohio County, West Virginia. 1967
Recommendations for water pollution control : Raccoon Creek Basin, Ohio / 1967
Recommendations for water pollution control : Spring Creek watershed, Roane and Wirt Counties, West Virginia. 1967
Recreational use survey of the Ohio River in West Virginia 1983
Regional assessment of the impact of synthetic fuel production 1977
Regional socioeconomic impacts of alternative energy scenarios for the Ohio River Basin Energy Study region 1980
Registry of wells for use in underground injection of wastewater, 1972-1975 1976
Removal of Beryllium from Drinking Water by Chemical Coagulation and Lime Softening. 1992
Removal of Glyphosate from Drinking Water. 1991
Removal of Mutagens from Drinking Water by Granular Activated Carbon: Evaluation Using Bacterial Mutagenicity Tests. 1983
Report and notification of spills and accidental discharges to the Ohio River and tributaries : procedures. 1990
Report concerning water quality standards for interstate waters of the Ohio River, Ohio-West Virginia, Ohio-Kentucky. 1967
Report on water quality standards for the interstate waters of the Ohio River : Ohio-West Virginia, Ohio-Kentucky / 1967
Report upon survey of the Ohio River and its tributaries for pollution control : plates. 1943
Reproductive biology and early life history of fishes in the Ohio River drainage 1990
Reproductive biology and early life history of fishes in the Ohio River drainage / 1990
Reproductive biology and early life history of fishes in the Ohio River drainage / Thomas P. Simon, Robert Wallus. 2004
Reproductive biology and early life history of fishes in the Ohio River drainage. Aphredoderidae through sciaenidae / 2006
Reproductive biology and early life history of fishes in the Ohio River drainage. Vol. 6, Elassomatidae and centrarchidae / 2008
Results of multiscale air quality impact assessment for the Ohio River basin energy study : slide script / 1978
Review of reports {on} Lake Erie-Ohio River Canal: Pittsburgh-Ashtabula Route via Beaver-Mahoning-Grand River Valleys. 1965
Riverscape 1980
Scoping the Chemicals in Your Drinking Water. 1994
Sedimentation in the Ohio River Basin. 1968
Silver Creek : a study of stream velocities and erosion along the Ohio River near Clarksville, Indiana : McAlpine Lock and Dam numerical model / 2018
Simulation of ground water conditions underlying Neville Chemical Co. 1991
Site-specific socioeconomic impacts : seven case studies in the Ohio River Basin energy study region / 1979
Social aspects of power plant siting / 1977
Some Dynamic Aspects of Extended Pollution Episodes. 1981
Sources of Coal Mine Drainage Pollution Raccoon Creek Watershed, Pennsylvania. 1968
Special projects 0
Spectral Analysis and Its Applications to Hydrologic Time Series of Lower Ohio Tributaries. 1973
State water plan, Subbasin 20 : Ohio River 1983
Statement for Comprehensive Water Pollution Control Programs. 1963
Statistical Correlations of Surface Wind Data: A Comparison between a National Weather Service Station and a Nearby Aerometric Monitoring Network. 1983
Status of waste water facilities in the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Compact District: 1987 update / 1988
Stochastic Analysis of Monthly Flow Data Application to Lower Ohio River Tributaries. 1972
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