Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Offshore oil industry Environmental aspects United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
Assessment of environmental fate and effects of discharges from offshore oil and gas operations / 1985
Assessment of environmental fate and effects of discharges from offshore oil and gas operations / 1985
Assessment of the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Studies Program. 1990
Calculation workbook for oil and gas production equipment fugitive emissions 1996
Control techniques guidelines for the oil and natural gas industry (draft). 2015
Control techniques guidelines for the oil and natural gas industry. 2016
Long-term environmental effects of offshore oil and gas development 1987
Outer continental shelf natural gas and oil resource management : comprehensive program, 1992-1997 : final environmental impact statement. 1992
Proposed 5-year outer continental shelf oil and gas leasing program mid-1987 to mid-1992 : final environmental impact statement / 1987
Supplemental environmental impact statement : 5-year outer continental shelf oil and gas leasing program, mid-1987 to mid-1992 : final. 1990
Water quality benefits analysis for the proposed effluent guidelines for the coastal subcategory of the oil and gas extraction industry : final report / 1995
Water quality benefits analysis of final effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the coastal subcategory of the oil and gas extraction industry. 1996

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