Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Oceanography Mathematical models)

Select Item Title Year Published
An ideal fluid thermocline model with a western boundary current / 1980
Computational methods for the atmosphere and the oceans / 2009
Estuaries : monitoring and modeling the physical system / 2007
Estuarine and wetland processes, with emphasis on modeling 1980
Inverse modeling of the ocean and atmosphere / 2002
Long Island Sound oceanography project summary report / 1994
Methods for determining the concentrations and sources of pollutants in estuaries. 1976
Model-based exposure assessment in terrestrial and near-shore marine environments 2000
Modelling of marine systems / 1975
Modified finite element transport model, FETRA, for sediment and radionuclide migration in open coastal waters 1979
Numerical model of the internal circulation in a branching tidal estuary. 1976
Numerical models of oceans and oceanic processes / 2000
Quantitative skill assessment for coastal ocean models / 1995
Studies of circulation and primary production in deep inlet environments / 1977
Three-dimensional coastal ocean models / 1987
Three-dimensional models of marine and estuarine dynamics 1987

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