Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 56
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Select Item Title Year Published
A study of the nutrients in the main basin of Puget Sound / 1977
An ocean blueprint for the 21st century : final report. 2004
Atlas of physical and chemical properties of Puget Sound and its approaches / 1974
Biology of Puget Sound marine mammals and marine birds : population health and evidence of pollution effects / 1985
Coastal oceanography of Washington and Oregon 1989
Compendium of current environmental studies in Puget Sound and Northwest estuarine waters. 0
Contaminant transport from Elliott and Commencement bays 1988
Data review for ecologic modeling : Puget Sound and adjacent waters / 1974
Elliott bay action program : 1988 action plan. Puget sound estuary program / 1988
Elliott bay action program : the relationship between source control and recovery of contaminated sediments in two problem areas / 1988
Estimates of trace metal inputs from non-point sources discharging into the marine environment / 1988
Federal ocean program the annual report of the President to the Congress on the nation's efforts to comprehend, conserve, and use the sea. 1972
Federal plan for ocean pollution research, development, and monitoring, fiscal years 1979-83 1979
History of contamination of sediments in Commencement Bay, Tacoma, Washington / 1985
Impingement of man on the oceans. 1971
Index to physical and chemical oceanographic data of Puget Sound and its approaches, 1932-1966 / 1970
Limnological & oceanographic data, 1970. 1971
National estuarine inventory data atlas / 1985
Observations of currents and water properties in Commencement Bay / 1982
Oceanographic resources of Washington an inventory of oceanographic and marine activities and capabilities / 1971
Oceanographic survey of a Puget Sound saltwater pond 1973
Padilla Bay baseline water quality record / 1990
Padilla Bay bibliography, 1993 / 1993
Panel reports. 1969
Physical and chemical data for Puget Sound and approaches : January 1966-December 1966 / 1968
Physical and chemical data for Puget Sound and approaches, January 1960-December 1961 / 1966
Physical and chemical data for Puget Sound and approaches, January 1962-December 1963 / 1966
Physical and chemical data for Puget Sound and approaches, January 1964-December 1965 / 1966
Physical and chemical data for Puget Sound and approaches, September 1956-December 1957 / 1964
Physical and chemical data, Puget Sound and approaches, March-August 1952 / 1954
Physical oceanography in Puget Sound main basin project report, fiscal year 1976 and 1976T : submitted to MESA Puget Sound Project Office Seattle / 1977
Physical, chemical, and biological aspects of the Duwamish River estuary, King County, Washington, 1963-67, 1972
Politics of the ocean. 1972
Preliminary assessment of the transboundary movement of contaminants within the Strait of Georgia and Juan De Fuca into the Puget Sound / 1999
Presentation and review of data obtained between 11 February and 8 October 1970 1970
Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on Water Pollution Research : topic, Oceanography and related estuarial pollution problems of the Northwest / 1959
Puget Sound marine environment : an annotated bibliography / 1977
Recommended guidelines for conducting laboratory bioassays on Puget Sound sediments 1995
Recommended guidelines for measuring conventional marine water-column variables in Puget Sound 1991
Recommended guidelines for measuring metals in Puget Sound marine water, sediment and tissue samples 1997
Recommended guidelines for measuring organic compounds in Puget Sound water, sediment and tissue samples 1997
Recommended guidelines for sampling marine mammal tissue for chemical analyses in Puget Sound 1994
Recommended guidelines for sampling marine sediment, water column, and tissue in Puget Sound 1997
Recommended guidelines for station positioning in Puget Sound 1998
Recommended protocols for measuring conventional sediment variables in Puget Sound 1986
Recommended protocols for measuring conventional water quality variables and metals in fresh water of the Puget Sound region 1987
Recommended protocols for measuring selected environmental variables in Puget Sound 1987
Recommended protocols for measuring selected environmental variables in Puget Sound 1987
Recommended protocols for microbiological studies in Puget Sound 1986
Recommended protocols for sampling and analyzing subtidal benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in Puget Sound 1987
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