Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Occupational Safety)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Journal Articles on Worker Exposure. Group 3. 1972
Journal Articles on Worker Safety. 1967
Labeling and warning systems : proceedings of a topical symposium, November 21 and 22, 1977 / 1978
Late After-Effects of Occupational Acute Damage to Respiratory Passages by Irritating Gases (Ob Otdalennykh Posledestviyakh Professionalnykh Ostrykh Porazhenii Dykhatelnykh putey Razdrazhayushchimi Gazami). 1971
Lawyers & their technical staff : making the case for Superfund / 1993
Lead exposure associated with renovation and remodeling activities : environmental field sampling study volume I: technical report / prepared by Battelle for Technical Programs Branch, Chemical Management Division, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1997
Lead exposure associated with renovation and remodeling activities : environmental field sampling study volume II: appendices / prepared by Battelle for Technical Programs Branch, Chemical Management Division, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1997
Lead exposure associated with renovation and remodeling activities : summary report / 1997
Lead exposure associated with renovation and remodeling activities : worker characterization and blood-lead study / 1997
Letter from Hooker Chemicals and Plastics Corporation to US EPA submitting Information on Health Effects Specifically Alleged Injuries from Primarily Chlorine Gas Exposure with Attachment. 1978
Letter from Velsicol Chemical Corporation to USEPA regarding Information on the Enclosed Documents on Diisopropylamino Ethyl Chloride Hydrochloride with Attachment. 1978
Letter to US EPA submitting a Medical Review of an Incident that Occur in One of the Plants Involving the Exposure of Methyl Mercaptan, Dimethyl Disulfide and Acetonitrile with Attachments. 1978
Limited-use chemical protective clothing for EPA Superfund activities / 1992
Limiting values of radionuclide intake and air concentration and dose conversion factors for for inhalation, submersion, and ingestion : derived guides for control of occupational exposure and exposure-to-dose conversion factors for general application, based on the 1987 federal radiation protection guidance / 1988
Linking Data to Study Reproductive Effects of Occupational Exposures. 1986
Literature Review of Personal Air Monitors for Potential Use in Ambient Air Monitoring of Organic Compounds. 1982
Living Labs that Study How Pesticides Affect Man. 1969
Love Canal monitoring program, final report : volume 1 / 1983
Lung Tumor Induction in Strain a Mice with Benzotrichloride (Journal Version). 1986
Lymphocyte Chromosome Analysis of Agricultural Workers during Extensive Occupational Exposure to Pesticides. 1973
Magnetic lung measurements in relation to occupational exposure in asbestos miners and millers of Quebec 1981
Measurement of De Minimis Risk. 1985
Measurement of RF Field Intensities in the Immediate Vicinity of an FM Broadcast Station Antenna. 1976
Measurement of the Exposure of Workers to Pesticides. 1962
Measurements of exhaled breath using a new portable sampling method /. 1990
Metabolism and DNA Adduct Formation of 2-Acetylaminofluorene by Bladder Explants from Human, Dog, Monkey, Hamster and Rat. 1984
Method for Collection and Analysis of Chlorobenzenes. 1984
Methodology for assessing exposure to toxic chemicals in the ambient environment : Appendix B and Appendix C / 1980
Methodology for estimating direct exposure to new chemical substances / 1979
Methodology for Estimating Environmental Loadings from Manufacture of Synthetic Organic Chemicals. 1983
Methods for Analyzing Occupational Cohort Data with Application to Lung Cancer in U.S. Uranium Miners: Techniques for Fitting and Checking Exposure-Time-Response Models. 1987
Methods for assessing exposure to chemical substances : volume 1: introduction / 1985
Methods for assessing exposure to chemical substances : volume 2: methods for assessing exposure to chemical substances in the ambient environment / 1985
Methods for assessing exposure to chemical substances : volume 3: methods for assessing exposure from disposal of chemical substances / 1985
Methods for assessing exposure to chemical substances : volume 4: methods for enumerating and characterizing populations exposed to chemical substances / 1985
Methods for assessing exposure to chemical substances : volume 5: methods for assessing exposure to chemical substances in drinking water / 1985
Methods for assessing exposure to chemical substances : volume 6: methods for assessing occupational exposure to chemical substances / 1985
Minimizing Occupational Exposure to Pesticides: Personnel Monitoring. 1981
Mitigation of worker exposure to ethylene oxide / 1981
Model Curriculum for Training Asbestos Abatement Contractors and Supervisors. Instructor's Course Syllabus. Course 1 (Training Manual). 1988
Model Curriculum for Training Asbestos Abatement Contractors and Supervisors. Student Notebook. Course 1 (Training Manual). 1988
Monitoring Studies for Acrylamide and Ethylene Oxide. 1982
Monitoring system for collection and analyses of ambient ethylene dichloride (EDC) levels in the urban atmosphere / 1979
Multimedia environmental goals for environmental assessment / 1977
Multimedia environmental goals for environmental assessment / 1979
Multimedia Environmental Goals for Environmental Assessment: Volume IV. MEG Charts and Background Information Summaries (Categories 13-26). 1979
Municipal wastewater management fact sheets : Storm water best management practices / 1996
Mutagenic Screening of Marker Grenade Dyes by the 'Salmonella' Reversion Assay, L5178Y/TK(+)/(-)Mouse Lymphoma Assay, and In vivo Sister Chromatid Exchange Analysis in Mice (Journal Version). 1988
Mutagenic Screening of Three Dyes for Marker Grenades in the Salmonella Reversion Assay and the L5178Y/TK+/-Mouse Lymphoma Assay. 1988
Mutagenicity and carcinogenicity assessment of 1,3-butadiene. 1985
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