Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 29
Showing: Items 1 - 29
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Océanographie)

Select Item Title Year Published
Aquatic chemical kinetics : reaction rates of processes in natural waters / 1990
Atmosphere-ocean dynamics / 1982
Biogeochemistry of Gulf of Mexico estuaries / 1999
Climate system modeling / 1992
Data analysis methods in physical oceanography / 2001
Dispersion in estuaries and coastal waters / 1997
Dynamics of the Bering Sea : a summary of physical, chemical, and biological characteristics, and a synopsis of research on the Bering Sea / 1999
Estuarine hydrography and sedimentation : a handbook / 1979
Handbook of marine science / 1974
Hydrodynamics of estuaries / 1988
Inverse modeling of the ocean and atmosphere / 2002
Limnology and oceanography bulletin. 2001
Limnology and oceanography, methods / 2003
Limnology and oceanography. 1956
Marine geochemistry / 1989
Modelling of marine systems / 1975
Ocean margin processes in global change : report of the Dahlem Workshop on Ocean Margin Processes in Global Change, Berlin, 1990, March 18-23 / 1991
Oeceanography : invited lectures presented at the International Oceanographic Congress held in New York, 31 August-12 September 1959 / 1961
Physical oceanography of estuaries (and associated coastal waters) / 1976
Planning estuaries / 1996
Principles of physical oceanography 1966
Quantitative skill assessment for coastal ocean models / 1995
Radiative transfer in the atmosphere and ocean / 1996
Safeguarding the health of oceans / 1999
Satellites, oceanography, and society / 2000
The oceans, their physics, chemistry, and general biology / 1942
The sea around us / 1961
The sea, ideas and observations on progress in the study of the seas. 1962
World ocean census : a global survey of marine life / 2009

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