Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=OZONE)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Compilation of expert testimony on ozone" 1981
1969 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the Los Angeles Basin. Volume I. Program Design and Methodology Data Summary and Discussion. 1970
1969 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the Los Angeles Basin. Volume II. Commerce Ground Data. 1970
1969 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the Los Angeles Basin. Volume III. El Monte Ground Data. 1970
1969 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the Los Angeles Basin. Volume IV. Airborne Data ESSA Cooperative Data. 1970
1971 Survey and Assessment of Air Pollution Damage to Vegetation in New Jersey. 1972
1972 Survey and Assessment of Air Pollution Damage to Vegetation in New Jersey. 1973
1980 ambient assessment-air portion / 1981
1982 ozone SIP data base status and summary report / 1982
1987 Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment : the Nimbus-7 TOMS data atlas / 1988
1988 nonmethane organic compound monitoring program : final report / 1988
1989 nonmethane organic compound monitoring program and three-hour air toxics monitoring program / 1990
1990 nonmethane organic compound and three-hour air toxics monitoring program / 1991
1990 OTC NOx baseline emission inventory 1995
1991 Economic assessment report 1991
1991 UNEP flexible and rigid foams technical options report pursuant to article (6) of the Montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer under the auspices of the United Nations Environment Programme / 1991
1993 nonmethane organic compounds and speciated nonmethane organic compounds monitoring program / 1994
1994 international CFC and halon alternatives conference : stratospheric ozone protection for the 90's. 1994
1994 non-methane organic compounds and speciated non-methane organic compounds monitoring program : final report / 1996
1994 nonmethane organic compounds and speciated nonmethane organic compounds monitoring program / 1996
1994 report of the Economics Options Committee for the 1995 assessment of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer : pursuant to article 6 of the Montreal Protocol ; decision IV/13 (1993) by the parties to the Montreal Protocol. 1994
1994 report of the Methyl Bromide Technical Options Committee for the 1995 assessment of the UNEP Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. 1994
1994 report of the Solvents, Coatings and Adhesives Technical Options Committee for the 1995 assessment of the UNEP Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. 1994
1995 ozone atlas for the Mid-Atlantic Region. 1997
1996 nonmethane organic compounds (NMOC) and speciated nonmethane organic compounds (SNMOC) monitoring program / 1997
1997 nonmethane organic compounds (NMOC) and speciated nonmethane organic compounds (SNMOC) monitoring program / 1999
1997 nonmethane organic compounds (NMOC) and speciated nonmethane organic compounds (SNMOC) monitoring program. Volume 1 : final report / 1997
1998 nonmethane organic compound (NMOC) and speciated nonmethane organic compound (SNMOC) monitoring program / 1999
2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine-Coated Silica Gel Cartridge Method for Determination of Formaldehyde in Air: Identification of an Ozone Interference. 1989
2000 Nonmethane organic compounds (NMOC) and speciated nonmethane organic compounds (SNMOC) monitoring program / 2001
2001 nonmethane organic compounds (NMOC) and speciated nonmethane organic compounds (SNMOC) monitoring program. 2002
2006 annual summary of emission-related recall and voluntary service campaigns performed on light duty vehicles and light-duty trucks / 2007
<>. 2017
A breath of air : what pollution is doing to our children = Al respirar aire : como afecta la contaminacion a nuestros hijos. 2004
A cryogenic preconcentration : direct FID (PDFID) method for measurement of NMOC in ambient air / 1986
A cryogenic preconcentration : direct FID (PDFID) method for measurement of NMOC in ambient air / 1986
A field evaluation of the UV/oxidation technology to treat contaminated groundwater / 1990
A Fortran program for computing the pollutant standards index (PSI) / 1978
A guide for the evaluation of atmospheric analyzers / 1973
A guide to the UV index. 2004
A Lagrangian photochemical air quality simulation model : adaptation to the St. Louis - RAPS data base, volume I, model formation / 1979
A Lagrangian photochemical air quality simulation model : adaptation to the St. Louis - RAPS data base, volume II, user's manual / 1979
A method for assessing the health risks associated with alternative air quality standards for ozone / 1978
A method for the measurement of atmospheric ozone using the absorption of ozone in the visible spectrum / 1954
A PC based system for generating ekma input files / 1988
A preliminary analysis of nitrous oxide (N2O) including a materials balance / 1979
A preliminary comparison of 1990 ozone concentrations to 1988 and 1989 ozone concentrations : 1990 final report 1990
A prolonged, large scale, off-season photochemical oxidant episode / 1978
A regional characterization of air quality and deposition in the coniferous forest of the western United States. [microfiche]/ by Margi Bohm. 1990
A regional scale (1000 km) model of photochemical air pollution. part 1, Theoretical formulation / 1983
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