Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Airborne measurements of infrared sea temperature in the northern Gulf of Mexico / 1966
Analysis of current meter records at the Northwest Atlantic 2800 metre radioactive waste dumpsite / 1982
Application of a Hazard Assessment Research Strategy to the Ocean Disposal of a Dredged Material: Exposure Assessment Component. 1984
ASWEPS shallow water investigation, Virginia Capes area, September-October 1967 / 1969
Bottom currents in the Weddell Sea : results of long time currentmeter moorings at 74 Degrees S, 40 Degrees W, during IWSOE 1968-1973 / 1974
Catches of postlarval white shrimp, Penaeus Setiferus (Linn.), and brown shrimp, P. aztecus Ives, and temperature and salinity observations in Vermillion Bay, Louisiana, March 1963 to April 1967 1971
Chesapeake Bay : introduction to an ecosystem. 1982
Chesapeake Bay Baseline Data Acquisition. Appendix IV. Eutrophication. 1978
Chesapeake Bay, a profile of environmental change / 1983
Climate change 1995 : the science of climate change / 1996
Demographic Evaluation of the Influence of Temperature and Salinity on the Copepod 'Eurytemora herdmani'. 1985
Description of the 1999 oceanographic conditions on the northeast continental shelf / 2000
Development of techniques and methodology for the laboratory culture of striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum) / 1982
Dispersion of sewage sludge discharged into New York Bight : physical oceanographic data - December 1974 / 1978
Dispersion of sewage sludge discharged into New York Bight : physical oceanographic data and laboratory analyses - 1975 / 1978
Ecological Characterization of Coastal Maine (North and East of Cape Elizabeth). Volume 2. 1980
Ecological Structure among Migrant and Resident Seabirds of the Scotia-Weddell Confluence Region. 1994
Effects of thermal pollution on pelagic larvae of crustacea / 1980
Environmental Assessment of an Active Oil Field in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico, 1977-1978. Volume II. Data Management and Biological Investigations. 1979
Environmental Assessment of Buccaneer Gas and Oil Field in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico, 1978-1979. Volume VI. Currents and Hydrography of the Buccaneer Field and Adjacent Waters. 1980
Environmental survey of two interim dumpsites : Middle Atlantic Bight : Operation "Fetch," cruise report 5-10 November 1973 / 1974
Fishing pole thermistor temperature indicator. 1962
Global Climatic Issues in the Coastal Wider Caribbean Region. 1989
Global Environmental Change Issues in the Western Indian Ocean Region. 1991
Habitat Requirements for Chesapeake Bay Living Resources. Chesapeake Bay Program Agreement Commitment Report. 1988
Induction conductivity temperature indicator 1961
Influence of Environmental Temperature on Sex-Ratios in the Tidewater Silverside, 'Menidia peninsulae' (Pisces: Atherinidae). 1987
Lake Michigan chemical data, 1954-55, 1960-61 / 1964
Linking Estuarine Water Quality and Impacts on Living Resources: Shrinking Striped Bass Habitat in Chesapeake Bay and Albermarle Sound. 1987
Manganese and Suspended Matter in the Yaquina Estuary, Oregon. 1988
Morphology and Ecology of Oltmannsiella virida, Sp. Nov. (Chlorophyceae: Volvocales). 1982
Nearshore Fish and Macroinvertebrate Assemblages Along the Strait of Juan de Fuca Including Food Habits of Nearshore Fish. 1977
Nearshore fish and macroinvertebrate assemblages along the Strait of Juan de Fuca including food habits of the common nearshore fish : final report of three years' sampling, 1976-1979 / 1980
Nearshore Fish and Macroinvertebrate Assemblages Along the Strait of Juan de Fuca Including Food Habits of the Common Nearshore Fish. 1978
New York Bight suspended matter and oceanographic data, 1973-1974 : total suspended matter, traverse stations, June 1974, and prior cruises : total suspended matter and physical oceanographic data, June-July 1974 cruise : total suspended matter, December, 1974 cruise / 1978
North Atlantic seasonal sea surface temperature anomalies and associated statistics, 1949-1985 / 1986
Production in coastal salt marshes of southern California / 1981
Record of Daily Growth in Otoliths of Atlantic Silversides, 'Menidia menidia', from Field and Laboratory. 1987
Sea-surface temperature; lectures presented during the scientific discussions at the fifth session of the Commission for Maritime Meteorology. 1969
Some effects of increased temperature on the settlement and development of a marine community in the laboratory / 1974
Some effects of increased temperature on the settlement and development of a marine community in the laboratory. 1973
Statistical prediction of equilibrium temperature from standard meteorological data bases / 1973
Summary of available information on Chesapeake Bay submerged vegetation / 1978
Surface temperature gradients observed in marine areas receiving warm water discharges / 1967
Surface water temperature and salinity. Pacific coast, North and South America and Pacific Ocean islands. 1962
Suspended sediment in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal / 1977
Temperature conditions in the cold pool 1977-81 : a comparison between southern New England and New York transects 1985
Temperature prediction model for Long Island Sound. 1972
The Arctic Ocean heat budget : report from SCOR Working Group 58. 1979
The probability of sea level rise / 1995
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