Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Epidemiological Approach for Determining the Significance of Pathogens in Sewage Sludge. 1985
Epidemiological study of Klebsiella pneumoniae among pulp and paper mill workers / 1981
Epidemiological Study of the Incidence of Cancer as Related to Industrial Emissions in Contra Costa County, California. 1984
Epidemiology and Air Pollution. 1985
Epidemiology studies : bibliography, health effects of arsenic / 1977
Establishing work zones at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. 1991
Estimates of the cancer risk due to nuclear-electric power generation / 1976
Estimation of the Cost of Using Chemical Protective Clothing. 1993
Evaluation and estimation of potential carcinogenic risks of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) 1985
Evaluation of a Paint Spray Booth Utilizing Air Recirculation. 1984
Evaluation of methods for analysis of human fat, skin, nails, hair, blood and urine / 1985
Evaluation of New in-Facepiece Sampling Procedures for Full and Half Facepieces. 1989
Evaluation of Project Safeguard. 1974
Evaluation of radon sources and phosphate slag in Butte, Montana 1983
Evaluation of the Effect of Asbestos in Industrial Conditions (Otsenka Vozdeistviya Asbesta v Usloviyakh Proizvodstvennoi Sredy). 1973
Evaluation of the Health Hazards Involved in House-Spraying with DDT. 1959
Evaluation of the health risks associated with the treatment and disposal of municipal wastewater and sludge / 1981
Evaluation of the methods used to determine potential health risks associated with organic contaminants in the Great Lakes Basin / 1984
Evaluation of the potential carcinogenicity of electromagnetic fields. 1990
Evaluation of the potential carcinogenicity of lead and lead compounds : in support of reportable quantity adjustments pursuant to CERCLA section 102. 1989
Evaluation of Various Clothing Materials for Protection and Worker Acceptability during Application of Pesticides. 1982
Experimental and in vivo Studies of the Toxicity of a Group of Phthalate Plasticizers. 1972
Experimental Data for Establishing Maxium Permissible Concentrations of Tillam in the Air of Working Areas (Eksperimentalnye Dannye k Obosnovaniyu Predelno Dopustimoi Kontsentratsii Tillama v Vozdukhe Rabockei Zony). 1972
Exposure and release estimations for filter press and tray dryer operations based on pilot plant data / 1992
Exposure and risk assessment for benzo{a}pyrene and other polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons volume I, summary / 1985
Exposure and risk assessment for dichlorobenzenes : 1,2-dichlorobenzene, 1,3-dichlorobenzene, 1,4-dichlorobenzene : final draft report / 1981
Exposure and risk assessment for trichloroethylene : final draft report / 1981
Exposure assessment for asbestos-contaminated vermiculite / 1985
Exposure of Apple Thinners to Parathion Residues. 1974
Exposure of Fertilizer Mixing Plant Workers to Disulfoton. 1978
Exposure of Florida Airboat Aquatic Weed Applicators to 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid (2,4-D). 1983
Exposure of Formulating Plant Workers to DDT. 1971
Exposure of Mosquito Control Workers to Fenthion. 1974
Exposure of Pesticide Formulating Plant Workers to Parathion. 1978
Exposure of Spray Applicators and Mixer-Loaders to Chlorobenzilate Miticide in Florida Citrus Groves. 1983
Exposure of Spraymen to Pesticides. 1972
Exposure to Organic Phosphorus Sprays and Occurrence of Selected Symptoms. 1957
Exposure to Parathion, Measurement by Blood Cholinesterase Level and Urinary p-Nitrophenol Excretion. 1961
Feasibility of Assessment of Health Risks from Vapor-Phase Organic Chemicals in Gasoline and Diesel Exhaust. 1983
Federal radiation protection guidance for occupational exposure : response to comments. 1986
Federal register citations pertaining to the regulation of asbestos / 1979
Ferrous Foundry Inspection Guide. 1982
Field Applications of Robotic Systems in Hazardous Environments, p1-29 1993. See also PB86-176344 and PB92-166743. 1993
Field standard operating procedures for air surveillance F.S.O.P. no. 8. 1985
Field standard operating procedures for establishing work zones. 1985
Field standard operating procedures for preparation of a site safety plan. 1985
Field standard operating procedures for the decontamination of response personnel. 1984
Field surveys of carbon monoxide in commercial settings using personal exposure monitors / 1984
Final draft for the drinking water criteria document on chromium 1986
Final Sampling Report for the Study of Personal CO (Carbon Monoxide) Exposure. 1984
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