Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 31
Showing: Items 1 - 31
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Nutrient pollution of water United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
An alternative regionalization scheme for defining nutrient criteria for rivers and streams / 2001
An Approach for evaluating numeric water quality criteria for wetlands protection / 1991
An exploratory analysis of regional assessment data in support of nutrient criteria development for EPA regions 5, 7, and 8 / 2011
An urgent call to action : report of the State - EPA Nutrient Innovations Task Group / 2009
AQUATOX for Windows : a modular fate and effects model for aquatic ecosystems : release 2.1 : addendum to release 2 technical documentation / 2005
At a Glance : EPA Needs to Accelerate Adoption of Numeric Nutrient Water Quality Standards. 2009
Clean coastal waters : understanding and reducing the effects of nutrient pollution / 2000
Considerations and statistical approaches for effects-based site-specific numeric nutrient criteria / 2013
Draft nutrient criteria technical guidance manual : wetlands. 2007
Effects of nutrient enrichment in the nation's estuaries : a decade of change : National Estuarine Eutrophication Assessment update / 2007
EPA Needs to Accelerate Adoption of Numeric Nutrient Water Quality Standards. 2009
Fact Sheet: Aquatox Release 1: Simulation Model for Aquatic Ecosystems 2000
Methods for evaluating wetland condition. #16, Vegetation-based indicators of wetland nutrient enrichment / 2001
Methods for evaluating wetland condition. #16, Vegetation-based indicators of wetland nutrient enrichment / 2002
Nutrient criteria technical guidance manual : estuarine and coastal marine waters. 2001
Nutrient criteria technical guidance manual : estuarine and coastal marine waters. 2001
Nutrient criteria technical guidance manual : lakes and reservoirs / 2000
Nutrient criteria technical guidance manual : wetlands. 2008
Nutrient criteria technical guidance manual estuarine and coastal marine waters. [electronic resource] : 2001
Nutrient criteria technical guidance manual estuarine and coastal marine waters. {microform} : 2001
Nutrient criteria technical guidance manual lakes and reservoirs / {computer file} : 2000
Nutrients in the nation's streams and groundwater, 1992-2004 / 2010
Nutrients in the nation's waters : identifying problems and progress : a National Water-Quality Assessment of nutrients / 1996
Nutrients in the nation's waters : too much of a good thing? / 1996
Protocol for developing nutrient TMDLs / 1999
Summary of NCASI's effluent nutrient biodegradation study results / 2009
Survey of states, tribes and territories nutrient standards. 2003
Technical approaches for setting site-specific nutrient criteria / 2005
The quality of our nation's water : nutrients in the nation's streams and groundwater, 1992-2004 / 2010
The quality of our nation's waters : nutrients and pesticides / 1999
Water implications of biofuels production in the United States / 2008

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