Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 32
Showing: Items 1 - 32
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Nursing)

Select Item Title Year Published
2019 Lippincott pocket drug guide for nurses / 2019
36-hour day : a family guide to caring for persons with Alzheimer disease, related dementing illnesses, and memory loss in later life / 2001
Davis's drug guide for nurses / 2013
Disaster nursing and emergency preparedness for chemical, biological, and radiological terrorism and other hazards 2003
Education, nursing, organization 1987
Essentials of pathophysiology : concepts of altered health states / 2015
Focus on health maintenance and prevention of illness 1975
Health Facilities Plan for Northwest Tennessee. 1975
Laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures : with nursing diagnoses / 2013
Management of waste from hospitals and other health care establishments : report on a WHO meeting, Bergen, 28 June-1 July 1983. 1985
Medical waste incinerators ; background information for proposed standards and guidelines : industry profile report for new and existing facilities. 1994
Mosby's diagnostic and laboratory test reference / 2017
Mosby's dictionary of medicine, nursing & health professions. 2009
Mosby's dictionary of medicine, nursing & health professions. 2017
Mosby's drug guide for nursing students / 2019
National pesticide competency guidelines for medical & nursing education : a project of the National Strategies for Health Care Providers : pesticides initiative / 2003
National pesticide competency guidelines for medical & nursing education : a project of the National Strategies for Health Care Providers : pesticides initiative / 2003
National pesticide practice skills guidelines for medical & nursing practice : a project of the National Strategies for Health Care Providers : pesticides initiative / 2003
National pesticide practice skills guidelines for medical & nursing practice : a project of the National Strategies for Health Care Providers : pesticides initiative / 2003
National Study to Determine Levels of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Insecticides in Human Milk: 1975-1976 and Supplementary Report to the National Human Milk Study: 1975-1976. 1976
Negotiating at an uneven table : developing moral courage in resolving our conflicts / 2002
Nursing, health & the environment strengthening the relationship to improve the public's health / 1995
Nursing, Health and the Environment. 1995
Pathophysiology : the biologic basis for disease in adults and children / 2019
Peterson's graduate programs in biological/biomedical sciences & health-related medical professions. 2013
Pharmacology : a nursing process approach / 2000
Physical examination & health assessment / 2012
Research essentials : foundations for evidence-based practice / 2010
Roach's introductory clinical pharmacology / 2018
Small animal surgical nursing 1983
Statistical methods for health care research / 2000
The 36-hour day : a family guide to caring for persons with Alzheimer's disease, related dementing illnesses, and memory loss in later life / 1991

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