Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 26
Showing: Items 1 - 26
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Numerische Mathematik)

Select Item Title Year Published
Accuracy and stability of numerical algorithms / 2002
An introduction to numerical analysis / 1978
Applied numerical methods / 1969
Classical and modern numerical analysis : theory, methods and practice / 2010
Computational differential equations / 1996
Computer methods for mathematical computations / 1977
Handbook of numerical analysis applications : with programs for engineers and scientists / 1984
Integration of equations of parabolic type by the method of nets 1964
Introduction to applied numerical analysis 1971
Introduction to numerical analysis 1973
MATLAB : a practical introduction to programming and problem solving / 2019
Numerical algorithms with Fortran / 1996
Numerical analysis : mathematics of scientific computing / 1996
Numerical analysis for statisticians / 1999
Numerical analysis of spectral methods : theory and applications / 1977
Numerical mathematical analysis, 1966
Numerical methods / 1974
Numerical methods : for engineers and computer scientists / 1988
Numerical methods for conservation laws / 1990
Numerical methods for partial differential equations / 1977
Numerical methods in fluid dynamics / 1977
Numerical methods that work / 1970
Numerical recipes : the art of scientific computing / 2007
Numerical recipes in FORTRAN : the art of scientific computing / 1992
The numerical solution of elliptic equations / 1972
Theory and applications of numerical analysis 1973

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