Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Nucleic Acids)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Handbook of Transcription Factors [electronic resource] / 2011
Antisense strategies 1992
Approaches for Measuring Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes in Bacteria. 1993
Assessment of toxicity of automotive metallic emissions. volume I, Assessment of fuel additives emission toxicity via selected assays of nucleic acid and protein synthesis / 1976
Autographa Californica Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus Efficiently Enters but Does Not Replicate in Poikilothermic Vertebrate Cells. 1986
Beta Adrenergic Control of Macromolecule Synthesis in Neonatal Rat Heart, Kidney and Lung: Relationship to Sympathetic Neuronal Development. 1987
Biochemical analyses for detection and assessment of pollution in the subsurface environment / 1983
Bioconjugate techniques 1996
Change in the DNA Content of the Nuclei of Tumor Cells in the Process of 'Progression' of the Induced Hepatoma (Izmenenie Soderzhaniya DNK v Yadrakh Opukholevykh Kletok v Protesse 'Progressii' Indutsirovannoi Hepatomy). 1973
Changes in Nucleic Acids over the Molt Cycle in Relation to Food Availability and Temperature in 'Homarus americanus' Postlarvae. 1992
Circulating Nucleic Acids in Plasma and Serum Proceedings of the 6th international conference on circulating nucleic acids in plasma and serum held on 9-11 November 2009 in Hong Kong. / [electronic resource] : 2011
Davidson's The biochemistry of the nucleic acids. 1976
DDT and Polychlorinated Biphenyl (Aroclor 1242(Trade Name)) Effects of Uptake on E. Coli Growth. 1972
DNA : the double helix : perspective and prospective at forty years / 1995
DNA and cell biology. 1990
DNA Replication - Damage from Environmental Carcinogens [electronic resource] / 2015
Do Sympathetic Neurons Coordinate Cellular Development in the Heart and Kidney. Effects of Neonatal Central and Peripheral Catecholaminergic Lesions on Cardiac and Renal Nucleic Acids and Proteins. 1988
Effects of Neonatal Methylmercury Exposure on Development of Nucleic Acids and Proteins in Rat Brain: Regional Specificity. 1985
Enzymes of nucleic acid synthesis and modification 1983
Fabrication of Single Cell Protein from Cellulosic Wastes. 1975
Flow Cytometric Discrimination of Mitotic Nuclei by Right-Angle Light Scatter (Journal Version). 1988
Gel electrophoresis of nucleic acids : a practical approach / 1990
Gene probes for bacteria / 1990
Gene quantification 1997
Influence of Inadequate Water Supply on Metabolism in Biological Systems with Emphasis on Protein Synthesis and Nucleic Acid Metabolism. 1970
Insect Virus: Assays for Viral Replication and Persistence in Mammalian Cells. 1991
Introduction to protein structure / 1999
Investigator responsibilities under the NIH guidelines for research involving recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules / 0
Long Non-Coding RNAs [electronic resource] / 2011
Long Noncoding RNAs Structures and Functions / [electronic resource] : 2015
Low-Cost Methods for Molecular Characterization of Mutant Plants Tissue Desiccation, DNA Extraction and Mutation Discovery: Protocols / [electronic resource] : 2015
Methods for the Detection of Microorganisms in the Environment. 1992
Methods of protein and nucleic acid research 1984
Molecular basis of heredity 1965
Mouse Testicular and Sperm Cell Development Characterized from Birth to Adulthood by Dual Parameter Flow Cytometry. 1986
New England Biolabs [catalog]. 0
Non Coding RNAs in Plants [electronic resource] / 2011
Nucleic acid biochemistry and molecular biology 1982
Nucleic acid probes 1989
Nucleic acids / 1967
Nucleic acids and protein synthesis 1971
Nucleic acids in the environment / 1995
Nucleic acids research. 1974
Nucleic acids. 1971
Nucleic acids. Part I / 1980
NucleoTrap nucleic acid purification kits and accessories : user manual / 1999
Origins of Life: The Primal Self-Organization [electronic resource] / 2011
PCR technology : current innovations / 2013
Phylogenetically Based Studies of Microbial Ecosystem Perturbation. 1988
Physics and chemistry of DNA and RNA 1972
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