Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Nuclear weapons)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1998 environmental report for Pantex Plant / 1999
A community monitoring program surrounding the Nevada test site : one year experience / 1983
Accumulation of Cesium-137 and Strontium-90 in Ponderosa Pine and Monterey Pine Seedlings. 1993
Animal investigation program (AIP) : A.I.P. summary report on and around the Nevada Test Site from 1982-1995 / 1997
Animal investigation program 1974 annual report : Nevada Test Site and vicinity / 1977
Animal investigation program 1978 annual report : Nevada test site and vicinity / 1980
Animal investigation program 1979 annual report : Nevada test site and vicinity / 1981
Animal investigation program 1980 annual report : Nevada test site and vicinity / 1982
Animal investigation program 1981 annual report : Nevada test site and vicinity / 1983
Assessment of fallout in the United States from the atmosphere nuclear test by the People's Republic of China on September 17, 1977 1982
Atmospheric nuclear tests : environmental and human consequences / 1998
Atomic filmmakers: Hollywood's secret film studio 2001
Atomic harvest : Hanford and the lethal toll of America's nuclear arsenal / 1993
Characterization of mercury contamination at the East Fork Poplar Creek Site, Oak Ridge, Tennessee : a case study / 1995
Cleaning up the Department of Energy's nuclear weapons complex. 1994
Closing the circle on the splitting of the atom : the environmental legacy of nuclear weapons production in the United States and what the Department of Energy is doing about it. 1995
Command and control : nuclear weapons, the Damascus Accident, and the illusion of safety / 2013
Complex cleanup : the environmental legacy of nuclear weapons production : summary. 1991
Complex cleanup : the environmental legacy of nuclear weapons production. 1991
Containing the Cold War mess : restructuring the environmental management of the U.S. nuclear weapons complex / 1997
Critical masses : citizens, nuclear weapons production, and environmental destruction in the United States and Russia / 1999
Deadly defense military radioactive landfills : a citizen guide / 1988
Death of a nuclear warhead : the environmental and health impacts of nuclear weapons complex activities including a focus on the Pantex Plant in Amarillo, Texas / 2005
Department of Energy : national priorities needed for meeting environmental agreements : report to the Secretary of Energy / 1995
DOE management impediments to environmental restoration management contracting : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1992
Downwind : a people's history of the nuclear West / 2014
Effects of nuclear weapons testing on health / 1979
Enewetak fact book : a resume of pre-cleanup information / 1982
Environment, safety and health progress assessment of the Rocky Flats Plant / 1993
Environmental report for Pantex Plant 1994
Environmental statement, underground nuclear test programs, Nevada Test Site (tests of 1 megaton or less). 1970
EPA counter-terrorism (CT) strategy, work plan, and executive summary / 1998
EPA model for encouraging private investment in the DOE environmental market : a summary report to the U.S. Department of Energy / 1993
Estimated exposures and thyroid doses received by the American people from iodine-131 in fallout following Nevada atmospheric nuclear bomb tests : a report / 1997
Estimating the cold war mortgage : the 1995 baseline environmental management report. 1995
Facts on nuclear proliferation : a handbook : prepared for the Committee on Government Operations, United States Senate / 1975
Final report of off-site surveillance for Operation Storax / 1965
Freshwater algae of the Nevada Test Site / 1979
Fruit and vegetable radioactivity survey follow-on, Nevada test site environs / 1978
Full body burden : growing up in the nuclear shadow of rocky flats / 2013
Full body burden : growing up in the nuclear shadow of Rocky Flats / 2012
Future issues in environmental radiation : report on future issues and challenges in the study of environmental radiation, with a focus toward future institutional readiness by the Environmental Protection Agency. 1995
Hanford : a conversation about nuclear waste and cleanup / 2003
Hanford Site historic district : history of the plutonium production facilities, 1943-1990 / 2003
Historical dictionary of nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare / 2007
Historical Perspectives on Selected Health and Safety Aspects of Nuclear Weapons Testing. 1986
Implementation plan environmental restoration and waste management programmatic environmental impact statement / 1994
Institutional Controls Case Study: Mound Plant. 1998
Legend and legacy : fifty years of defense production at the Hanford site / 1992
Linking legacies : connecting the Cold War nuclear weapons production processes to their environmental consequences. 1997
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