Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Geographic health information systems / 2013
Geographic Information System Documentation of Watershed Data for Direct/Delayed Response Project. Southern Blue Ridge Province Database. 1989
Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina tourbook. 0
Greensboro-Guilford County, North Carolina, 201 wastewater treatment system : draft environmental impact statement / 1977
Greensboro-Guilford County, North Carolina, Horsepen Creek interceptor : final environmental impact statement / 1979
Ground Water Yields in the Raleigh Quadrangle. 1968
Ground-water pollution problems in the Southeastern United States / 1977
Ground-water quality and geohydrology of the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province, New River Basin, Virginia and North Carolina 2001
Groundwater availability in the Atlantic coastal plain of North and South Carolina / 2010
Guide to Environmental and Economic Stewardship in the Albermarle-Pamlico Region. A Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan Summary. 1994
Guide to establishing a point/nonpoint source pollution reduction trading system for basinwide water quality management : the Tar-Pamlico River basin experience / 1995
Guide to streamwalking 1989
Guides for quality assurance in environmental health research : Health Effects Research Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina / 1979
Handbook for using a waste-reduction approach to meet aquatic toxicity limits 1991
Hazardous materials in North Carolina : a guide for decisionmakers in local government / 1985
Hazardous or Difficult to Handle Waste Survey Report. 1978
Hazardous waste : a North Carolina incinerator's noncompliance with EPA and OSHA requirements : report to Congressional requesters / 1992
Hazardous waste management for small generators 1986
Health assessment for Cape Fear Wood Preserving, Fayetteville, Cumberland County, North Carolina 1989
Heavy Metals in Organic-Rich Muds of the Albemarle Sound Estuarine System. 1993
Heavy Metals in Organic-Rich Muds of the Neuse River Estuarine System. 1991
High Rock Lake, Davidson and Rowan Counties, North Carolina. 1975
Historical trends, water quality and fisheries, Albemarle-Pamlico Sounds : with emphasis on the Pamlico River Estuary / 1992
History of whaling in and near North Carolina 1988
Hiwassee Lake, Cherokee County, North Carolina. 1975
HNU-Hanby PCP immunoassay test kit. 1995
Hot mix asphalt plants kiln dryer stack instrumental methods testing : asphalt plant "A", Clayton, North Carolina 2000
Hot mix asphalt plants kiln dryer stack instrumental methods testing : asphalt plant "B", Cary, North Carolina 2000
Hot Mix Asphalt Plants Kiln Dryer Stack Manual Methods Testing, Asphalt Plant 'A' Clayton, North Carolina, Volume 2 of 2. 2000
Human scalp hair : an environmental exposure index for trace elements / 1978
Human visual function in the North Carolina clinical study on Pfiesteria Piscicida, final draft. 1998
Hydrogeologic framework of the North Carolina coastal plain / 1996
Hydrogeology and simulation of ground-water flow in the thick regolith-fractured crystalline rock aquifer system of Indian Creek Basin, North Carolina / 1997
Hydrography of the Pamlico River Estuary, n.C.. 1970
Hydrologic and water-quality data in selected agricultural drainages in Beaufort and Hyde Counties, North Carolina, 1988-90 / 1992
Hydrologic and water-quality data in selected agricultural drainages in Beaufort and Hyde Counties, North Carolina, 1990-92 / 1993
Hydrologic and Water-Quality Data in Selected Agricultural Drainages in Beaufort and Hyde Counties, North Carolina, 1990-92. 1993
Hydrology of major estuaries and sounds of North Carolina 1985
Ichthyoplankton adjacent to live-bottom habitats in Onslow Bay, North Carolina 1998
Identification and Quantification of the Net Effects of Multiple-Purpose River Basin Development. 1973
Identification and reduction of toxic pollutants in textile mill effluents 1990
Identification of Promising Resource Recovery Alternatives for Greensboro, High Point, and Winston-Salem, North Carolina. 1981
IERL-RTP data quality manual / 1976
Illustrated guide to the benthic marine algae of coastal North Carolina 1980
Impact of secular precipitation changes on the deposition of benzo[a]pyrene / 1998
Implementation plan review for North Carolina required by the Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act. 1975
In situ Permeable Reactive Barrier for the Treatment of Hexavalent Chromium and Trichloroethylene in Ground Water. Volume 2. Performance Monitoring. 1999
In-situ Permeable Reactive Barrier for the Treatment of Hexavalent Chromium and Trichloroethylene in Ground Water: Volume 3. Multicomponent Reactive Transport Modeling. 1999
Independent Design Review Celanese Fiber Operations Superfund Site Shelby, North Carolina, EPA Region 4. Final Report. 2011
Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. 1980
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